Some Halifax Fall Colour

Last bits of fading Fall colour around Halifax South End, over the South Street railway bridge and looking over the water of the Northwest Arm.

Fall Colour from Halifax South Street Railway Bridge
Fall Colour over Halifax Northwest Arm

(I cheated a bit; these were saturated and warmed a bit in the iOS photo editor.)

Halloween 2019

For Halloween Ezra and I were an astronaut and a Star Trek redshirt again, same as last year. (The NASA outfit still fits him and we’re in a new place so no one here saw us in these costumes last year anyway. Amy was asked at least once if she was dressed up as Georgie but it was just a yellow raincoat.)

Halloween 2019 Halloween 2019

While trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood we ran into a fellow Trekkie at the local Wesleyan church, and spotted a Pac Man pumpkin.

Halloween 2019 Halloween 2019

I can’t find my cardboard creeper head anymore, but I know I packed it in the move to Canada. It will return.

Adventures in Pretend Food

Ding! Ezra pulled this out of his toy microwave and handed it to me. “Here’s your lunch, dada.” Ah, that fine delicacy, poisson avec voiture.

Cars and fish bowl

“It’s banana ice cream.”

“It’s banana ice cream”

Kid may be a fine chef some day. Or a food stylist.

Hurricane Dorian Timelapse (Nova Scotia)

As Hurricane Dorian arrived in Nova Scotia on Saturday 7 Sep 2019, I set up my GoPro in the window to record a time lapse of its passage through the Halifax region, capturing 10 seconds per frame from morning till evening. Cloud motion was too fast to get a decent sense of motion for most of the day but around 1m 15s into the video, the eye of the hurricane reached us and the clouds suddenly slowed and reversed direction. (Also watch for a tree suddenly falling over at around 20s, damaging a neighbour’s house.)

Night sky, Hurricane Dorian

We lost power from Saturday to Monday and had a major leak in the basement. Downtown a crane fell, but overall damage was of course nowhere near the destruction in the Bahamas.

Small photoset of our experience of the hurricane in Halifax.

First Trip to Lunenburg

Highlight of Labour* Day Weekend was a Saturday trip to Lunenburg, picturesque historic fishing town and home port of the Bluenose, on Nova Scotia’s South Shore just over an hour’s drive from Halifax.

Lunenburg NS

We spent most of the day at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic. Lots more to see and do there than I expected; aside from historical artifacts, interpretive displays, and Bluenose models, the museum had an aquarium with touch tank, two large historic fishing boats to explore out on the waterfront, Mi’kmaq fishing techniques, lovely views of the water, and a little playground with a whale and a sailboat.

Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg NS
Lunenburg NS
Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg NS

Ezra had lots of fun. Tangential to the fishing industry he saw his first movie theatre and typewriter — and also enjoyed the museum elevator.

Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg NS
Ezra learns about typewriters

Lunenburg NS photo album here.

(* I have to spell it with an “ou” like a Canadian now.)

Passage View

Looking towards Halifax from the tip of McCormacks Beach in Eastern Passage. Purdy’s Wharf, Macdonald and Mackay Bridges, Tufts Cove Power Station, and the Imperial Oil Wharves are all visible.

View of Halifax and Dartmouth from McCormacks Beach

The provincial park features a boardwalk to the small sandy beach, and sits right near Fisherman’s Cove, where Ezra got to meet a pirate.

Ezra and a Pirate

This was outside a little cafe called Coffee, Tea, and Sea, which, interestingly, also featured Indonesian food on the menu. Definitely have to try lunch there some time.

Friendly Neighbour Cat

While we were out for a walk by Settle Lake a neighbour’s cat came out to meet us, all affectionate and nose-bumpy.

Neighbour cat outside
Neighbour cat outside
Neighbour cat outside

I couldn’t help comparing her to Pandora, though this one lacked the blue and green heterochromia so distinct to our old cat, and Pandora never really went outdoors.