Cherry Blossoms 2010

IMG_1795 Maybe it was the gloomy weather, or the hordes of tourists that get thicker every season — exacerbated this year by unsightly barriers around the construction projects blocking the normal walking routes around the Jefferson Memorial — but cherry blossoms just seemed a bit lackluster this April. The sight was still lovely, but the experience this year was less than perfect.

The stress of traversing the Tidal Basin melted away, however, when we left the area and instead sat down on the grass under the cherry grove by the Washington Monument. There were blooming trees, but no teeming masses of tourists, and children frolicked about a gathering of pinwheels. The space was brighter and more open and generally more enjoyable than the Tidal Basin generally gets at that time of year, and we were both glad for the respite:


(Also see the timelapse video I took of tourists at the Monument grove, the full 2010 cherry blossoms photoset, and all my previous cherry blossom photosets.)

“Snowmageddon” 2010

In February of 2010, warm water from a moderate Pacific El Niño fed moisture to a south-shifted jet stream, which brought the moisture into contact with a strong, cold, negative Arctic Oscillation over the Eastern United States — which for us meant snow, and lots of it.

Icy Balcony Light In what would be variously termed “Snowmageddon,” “Snowpocalypse,” and “Snoverkill,” a pair of storms dumped a total of over two feet of snow on DC and its environs, totally beating out the heaviest snows I had encountered before then (Baltimore, Feb 2003, and the storm just last December) and even exceeding snowfall records from the historic Knickerbocker Storm of 1922.

With snow accumulation above 8 inches, our Metro station stayed closed all week, and Amy and I were pretty much trapped at home through both blizzards. We had stocked up the refrigerator beforehand, and with the help of a neighbor managed to get extra food at the Asian market partway through the week, so we never lacked for supplies, and it was actually kind of nice to have the impromptu “snowcation” to relax a bit, working from home and checking Capital Weather for updates from time to time. (Which is to say, every 20 seconds.)

For future reference I’m using the name “Snowmageddon” for these storms because, well, that’s what the President called it. Or you can be boring like Wikipedia and just call it the First and Second North American Blizzards of 2010.

Some photos of the storm and its aftermath, from the Winter 2009-2010 photoset:

Leaning Lamp in Snowy Parking Lot

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Amy at Foot of Snowy Mountain Amy on Snowy Mountain

IMG_1581 Snowman

White House in Snow

Lafayette Park in Snow Lafayette Park in Snow

Snowy Slide

Delilah’s Den

There are a few establishments out there called “Delilah’s Den,” but in this case I’m talking about Delilah’s Den Pet Services in Falls Church, VA — named by Ester, the proprietor, for her late lovable cat Delilah. While Amy and I were away for Christmas and our regular petsitter neighbor was unavailable, I found Delilah’s Den on Craigslist and gave them a try for backup catsitting duties.

Ester is very thorough with the paperwork, which I appreciated very much, as she wants to be prepared with clearance for any cat-related (or house-related) contingencies. After the papers were all filled out, and a prepayment check and parking pass issued, we went off for the holidays. For a week, Ester came over everyday to give Pandora food, water, and a few minutes of active, playful attention; in addition she made sure our home was secure, and emailed updates on Pandora’s status. At the end of it we came home to a happy, healthy cat, well worth $10/day.

So Pandora the Cat recommends Delilah’s Den for Falls Church and Fairfax-area pet care:

Yawning Pandora

2009 in Review

Many will remember 2009 as a year of prominent deaths — like the passing of Patrick McGoohan, Ricardo Montalban, John Updike, Bea Arthur, Dom DeLuise, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Walter Cronkite, Ted Kennedy, Brittany Murphy, Billy Mays, and more — but closest to home for me were the deaths of two uncles on my dad’s side: Cesar and Tito; as well as the death of President Cory Aquino.

International travel-wise, we started the year in the Philippines, and passed by Tokyo for a few days on our way back to DC. In May we did a week in London. Locally, there were our regular trips to New Jersey and New York. At one point on a trip to see Amy’s grandma in New Jersey, we found an old signature book called “Ghosts of My Friends.”

On a cold day in January, we watched the inauguration of President Obama.

For April Fool’s Day, I changed the front page of the site to a Twitter Search, parodying a social media gimmick from Skittles.

Summer was eventful. Amy got a wall at Artomatic to show some of her paintings and drawings. Her parents even came down to visit and see her work. The depictions of mushrooms were popular with biologists and mycology hobbyists. I got kind of close to a blue heron along the C&O. Around the Fourth of July we learned about Wales at the Folklife Festival, saw even more blue herons on Theodore Roosevelt Island, and watched fireworks from near the White House. When Ted Kennedy died, we were on hand to see his funeral procession at the Capitol.

In September we bought a new condo and moved out of DC to NoVA.

Thanksgiving and Christmas were spent with Amy’s folks in New Jersey.

We got a historic snowstorm a week before Christmas, but stayed (mostly) ensconced in our snug condo, venturing only briefly out into the cold.

Internet-wise, through 2009 I got a bit scattered across social media and virtual worlds: mostly Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and Second Life. I’m sorry to say that this increased involvement in other realms of content has come at the expense of attention paid to my own site, so How Now Brownpau and other related projects have stagnated over the course of the year — something I hope to change in coming weeks. Backtagging thousands of old entries is hard.

Snowstorm of Dec. 2009

Dec. 19th brought a historic snowstorm to the DC area, dumping almost two feet of snow in our immediate locality in North Virginia and surpassing in overall impact even the Feb 2003 snowstorm in Baltimore. We were pretty much snowed in for that whole weekend, but we did venture outside to survey conditions for a bit. Some video of that:

I also got video of the aftermath of the snowstorm as seen from Metro, and some photos of the accumulation around our building. Sadly since we have moved to a somewhat less scenic suburban neighborhood (and we couldn’t go down to the National Mall since WMATA had closed above-ground Metro stations) the most poignant image I could capture from the snowstorm was this, in a nearby bus stop:

Abandoned Lipstick-Stained Starbucks Cup in Bus Stop Bench Snowdrift


Suddenly, we bought a condo!

IMG_1270 We wouldn’t have believed it if you’d told us at the start of this summer that we’d be homeowners by October. Me, I was satisfied with our spot beside Union Station and the Capitol — but at the same time we didn’t want to rent forever, and while the location was great for enjoying the requisite DC sights at a moment’s notice, it was less than optimal for the task of raising a family later in life.

So we resolved to buy. Then we decided we weren’t ready to buy. Then we decided that yes, we should take advantage of this market and buy. That turned to doubt as to whether our finances could handle the downpayment on a 2BR in the DC area. Finally after weeks of agonizing we decided we could scale down expectations and settle on a relatively large 1BR in North Virginia. So we were finally ready to buy.

Dunn Loring Station Shadows The first-time homeowner tax incentive didn’t hurt either.

Our realtor was Cristina, a friend and fellow Ateneo alumnus via whom we got preapproval and a decent fixed rate on a loan from Ramon at BofA.

The rest of it happened faster than we expected. We looked at a bunch of properties along the Orange Line, put in a bid on a cheap 2BR foreclosure overlooking the swimming pool of a quiet garden-type condo — and were of course quickly outbid by about a dozen other potential buyers. Instead we went for our backup property choice, a neighboring 1BR with an unconventional angular layout and about 750 square feet of space –which might sound small to the average US house-dweller, but for the price we paid with its proximity to DC and the Metro, and compared to our much older 575 square foot apartment, it was a castle.

Panorama: Living Room

Milestone after milestone passed with few obstacles: credit checked, loan approved, good-faith deposit sent, bid accepted, property under contract, inspection done, association docs reviewed, closing date scheduled — when at the eleventh hour the other shoe dropped and the seller’s realtor told us his client had gone bankrupt, could not afford closing costs, and wanted to pull out and relist the property if we could not cover the shortfall.

Panorama: Bedroom Pulling out now would have been a breach of an already signed contract, and our realtor made clear that this constituted grounds for a specific performance suit. So followed days of doubt, delay, and negotiation, at the end of which all involved parties agreed to pitch in and we ended up paying higher closing costs at settlement than originally expected, for the sake of a smooth sale. (We did later consult with a lawyer as to the expedience of pursuing a specific performance suit but decided that the cost and effort involved would have exceeded the value of any settlement reached compared to the extra amount we paid at closing.)

And so we closed on the condo, and became homeowners. A week of overlap between our move date and end-of-lease allowed us time to finish packing and shuttle a few items to the new place to lighten the move load, but that made the packing process and moving day itself no less stressful. The very last night before moving was a sleepless haze of panic amidst a mazelike mountain range of boxes and unpacked clutter. At about 4AM a packing tape shortage necessitated a walk to the 24 hr CVS on Mass Ave, and at 6AM another walk to the 24 hr Au Bon Pain in Union Station provided a hurried, almost surreal last breakfast on the floor of our apartment.

Packing Up Moving. #fb

Gulliver’s was our moving service of choice, and their guys arrived with a truck on the dot at 7AM to begin hauling furniture and boxes. A drive in the truck up the beltway, a flurry of boxes and furniture flying down the halls, forms signed, check handed over, and just a couple of hours later the biggest part of the move was done. (All this time, Pandora was locked up in a closet with food, water, and a blanket to keep her safe from the flurry of moving. We brought her in a carrier the next day by taxi.)

We spent the next few days bringing leftover items over by Metro and taxi, and left a bunch of old things to be sold at the apartment tenants’ yard sale. Since then it’s been unpacking, furnishing, and organizing. Amy’s old Yaffa Blocks have given way to relatively fancier IKEA shelving units, and our old bedframe, makeshift folding nightstand, and antique dresser have been replaced with a genuine oak bedroom set.

Living room/Kitchen Amy with our new bedroom set

It’s of some help that the property includes a small separate storage unit (about 100 sq ft) where we can stow objects of infrequent utility which would otherwise take up valuable closet space. Of slightly less help are the two spaces in the parking garage, which for now we plan to lease to neighbors as our carless lifestyle continues, aided by the condo’s closeness to a Metro station. A car is definitely in our future, though, as the new suburban neighborhood is far less walkable than our previous environs at Union Station — the sacrifice we make for affordable home ownership. This means I will have to re-learn how to drive, after over a decade of carlessness.

Dishwasher The awesomest aspect of this grand life change for me, however, is that we finally have a dishwasher. I have hand-washed my own dishes for almost as long as I can remember, even after moving to America. No immigrant’s dishwasher dilemma for me; after our ancient, tiny apartment kitchen with its undersized sink and cloggy drain, having an actual dishwasher is a huge burden lifted from our lives, and a technological marvel which I will never take for granted.

As for Pandora, she took to the new place immediately, adapting with almost no difficulty at all. No litterbox location problems, no hiding under the bed without eating for days, and she loves the bigger space and the texture of the new carpet.

Pandora sleeps on her star pillow

So that’s what’s been keeping us busy the last couple of months. I’m a pretty slow unpacker and organizer — especially after the Internet connection has been set up — and the stress of getting property-related affairs in order has caused me to fall behind on a bunch of stuff, online and offline. Even now there’s a stack of unsorted mail staring at me from the dining room table, and my Christmas list is still a mess of unchecked boxes.

But hey, we own a place now, however small. The Lord has been kind to us in a time of widespread hardship, and we are grateful and humbled.

(I guess this means we’re Virginians now, by the way.)


In this scene, Pandora looks out at the snowstorm, then looks away, deciding that she doesn’t care.

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This is a before/after Caturday, to show how Pandora has maintained admirable consistency through grand life changes:

Cat at Rest Cat Sleeping on Cushion

What grand life changes, you ask? I’ll get to that.

Telegraph Mention

I have been mentioned in the fourth rule of an article in the Telegraph by Tom Chivers on “Internet Rules and Laws.” Greetings, Telegraph readers! To be clear, yes, I used “ignoramii” with a sense of deliberate irony, and the quoted text was part of a larger venture on Begging The Question — the site being an old April Fool’s Day prank which continues to this day as a facetious outlet for mock outrage.

If you enjoyed that brief snippet of text quoted from my [currently-rather-dormant] weblog, you may also enjoy following me on Twitter or Tumblr. Optionally you can wait around here till I actually have time to whip this site back into something even remotely engaging.

Update: Heh, Anarthrous Dane has pointed out in a Facebook note that Tom Chivers’ misspelling of my name (“Paul,” my name is Paulo) while using my quote as an exposition of Skitt’s Law is itself an example of Skitt’s Law in action.


Cat at Rest

Here is Pandora at rest. You’ll note that her pet bed (a prickly discount blanket from a linens shop in Baltimore) also consists of an old pair of jean shorts. She really likes jean shorts, as you can see by how she sleeps with her head rammed into them.

By the way, this photo was taken with my new phone, an HTC Magic (also known as MyTouch).