Snowstorm of Dec. 2009

Dec. 19th brought a historic snowstorm to the DC area, dumping almost two feet of snow in our immediate locality in North Virginia and surpassing in overall impact even the Feb 2003 snowstorm in Baltimore. We were pretty much snowed in for that whole weekend, but we did venture outside to survey conditions for a bit. Some video of that:

I also got video of the aftermath of the snowstorm as seen from Metro, and some photos of the accumulation around our building. Sadly since we have moved to a somewhat less scenic suburban neighborhood (and we couldn’t go down to the National Mall since WMATA had closed above-ground Metro stations) the most poignant image I could capture from the snowstorm was this, in a nearby bus stop:

Abandoned Lipstick-Stained Starbucks Cup in Bus Stop Bench Snowdrift