Stuff We Did in Tokyo

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Panorama - View from Tokyo Tower


We visited an eye clinic. We took in the view from Tokyo Tower. We drank hot cans of Cafe au Lait while sitting by the waterfall in Shiba Park. We entered Zojoji Temple and listened to the chants of Jodo shu Buddhist monks. We walked through Ueno Park and viewed artifacts at the Tokyo National Museum. We strolled up and down Kappabashi-dori to buy little bowls and gawk at plastic food samples and a gold kappa statue. We browsed the stalls of Nakamise-dori and stood before Sensoji Temple. We wandered around Ginza and Asakusa and Akihabara till our feet were tired. We shopped at Yodobashi but didn’t find much. We ate tempura at Tenya and Japanese-like Chinese food at Tenryu and soba noodles at the Ueno JR. Tokyo is huge and sprawling and local TV is a hoot and people tend to eat at counters rather than tables and you bring your check to the cashier rather than paying your waiter and there sure are lots of bicyclists and vending machines and bowing and subway lines. We had fun in Tokyo — but I wish more places there took credit cards.