First Snow (Dec 2007)

It snowed all Wednesday, and we had at least an inch by evening. There’s just something about December 5th, I guess; in 2002, 2003, 2005, and now this year, the first significant snow of the season came to the DC area on Dec. 5th.

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The snow was not kind to everyone, however. Many sidewalks looked like this on Thursday, and near the Bad Ramps, a firetruck was parked while emergency responders tended to someone who appeared to have slipped on the cobbles and injured his legs: (not the ramps’ fault, but due to ice)

mo_426_.jpg mo_427_.jpg

Full photoset here, and also check out these snowy DC photos on CapitalWeather.


Snow.jpg Snowing a bit harder out now. If it keeps up like this and stays freezing we should get at least an inch by afternoon rush hour.

(Snow.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)


Dusting.jpg Snowing a bit this morning; DC got a light dusting. See the white stuff? That’s snow. Yeah, I know, wow, omg snow.

(Dusting.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)

DC Weekend Assortment

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(Upper left) U.S. Capitol and a clear, blue sky on a cold Saturday.

(Upper right) Paper plane near a Lunar Module landing leg at the NASM.

(Lower left) AOC workers set up the Capitol Christmas Tree, from Vermont.

(Lower right) Finches in a tree by the NMAI.


There was once this blanket that I really hated, because it was cheap and prickly; but Pandora really liked it. That kind of crisp, hedgehoggy texture appeals to her, just like it did to her brother Jasper, who liked to roll around on rough concrete sidewalks. Lately Pandora’s taken even more of a liking to a similarly prickly towel which fell out of my laundry hamper, and she’s been using it as her bed all week.

Also in this set: Pandora sprawled on the floor by my shopping cart, and a nice little macro closeup.

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Looks like the light is on in the building elevator shaft, providing fascinating views of a hidden world. There’s surprisingly little junk down there.

Lit Elevator Shaft 1


VietCoff.jpg I just ordered a Vietnamese coffee at Miss Saigon and was served this odd drip apparatus. Not sure I understand it fully yet.

(VietCoff.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)

GloriaResign (.com, .net, .org)

3-in-1: Bid now on and receive and free!

Way back in 2005, when Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo faced scattered street protests and rumors of an EDSA 4 revolution in the works, I registered three domains, completely on a whim:

I really didn’t care about the politics, one way or another, but in the true fashion of an enterprising mercenary I thought of it as a way to get a few quick bucks out of the crisis. I pointed the domains to a Sedo parking page, set a price, and waited for the offers to come stampeding in.

Now, two and a half years later, it’s pretty obvious they did not come stampeding in, and in my laziness I haven’t done enough to effectively market these domains to their target audience. The latest “crisis” has reminded me that I should be selling these valuable internet assets more aggressively, so I have placed them up on eBay for anyone who is willing to pay for them — opposition or administration are welcome to join the auction.

Bidding starts at $65. Don’t miss this chance to be a part of internet history and make a difference in the Philippine political scene or something! And be sure to read my clever and colorful promo copy!