DC Kickball registration flyer on a light pole at 17th and Rhode Island Ave NW. The cartoon promises ‘romance, drama, intrigue!’ Intrigue is right, if what I’ve heard about DC kickball politics is true.
(Kickball.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
how now brownpau
DC Kickball registration flyer on a light pole at 17th and Rhode Island Ave NW. The cartoon promises ‘romance, drama, intrigue!’ Intrigue is right, if what I’ve heard about DC kickball politics is true.
(Kickball.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
At church, on the rear balcony with the choir to sing the Introit. Behind me, the stained glass windows facing out to 16th St NW.
(Stained.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Underside of elevator, Waterfront Metro station on the Green Line. Many drunk people down here tonight.
(mo_916_.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
You folks in the United States, don’t forget that Daylight Saving Time starts earlier this year, so you should set your clocks an hour forward before going to sleep tonight. Windows and Mac users, run your software updaters if you haven’t yet.
Palm handheld users, note that Palm is offering a DST updater for all Palm devices, which you can download to your PCs and install via HotSync, or install on-air if you have an Internet connected Palm device.
It seems someone on the Red Line is not particularly fond of the McDonald’s Big Breakfast Platter.
(McFeces.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
I’m sorry to say that this photo is from the very last day that Pandora is allowed on the bed. Following a rather large urinary behavioral mishap, her bed privileges have been revoked, and she is now banished to her catnip rug under the coffee table until further notice. Since that is out of view from the desk, this also means that she will no longer be on the webcam. Sorry, cat fans, but I can’t be laundering the same sheets three times a week, so until her litterbox habits have been retrained, the cat will have to be be less visible.
I really, really love that TVSquad got Wil Wheaton to do their Star Trek: The Next Generation retro episode recaps. Wil, in case you didn’t know, portrayed the character of Wesley Crusher through the first few seasons of ST:TNG, filling the widely disliked role of “Token Boy Genius” aboard Captain Picard’s starship Enterprise-D. (This appears to have scarred Wil for life so badly that he started a blog.)
Getting him to write about Star Trek means you get commentary with precious personal inside info on the production, with TEH LULZIEST geeky internet and computer references 2.0, and a wit matched only by DCeiver’s Pompatus of LOST, all spiced with lots of gratuitous innuendo and profanity. I like to think of it as Future Wesley Crusher finally using his Traveler powers to collect his due.
So here’s all of Wil Wheaton on TVSquad. (Speaking of which, I sure hope he can cameo in Trek XI. Maybe he can be young Captain April or something.)
Looks like a pretty important newspaper you’re reading there, mister. You even saved a seat for Section B! At Friday night rush hour with delays on the Red Line and a crowd of people getting on! What newspaper is that, I wonder? Probably some big international finance spread, eh? Kudos to you, Mr. DC Big Shot!
(mo_912_.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Irish Spring is giving out free samples of body wash and a Zagat booklet of Irish pubs, near the Union Station 1st St NE entrance. There also seems to be some sort of Shoot the Hoops game thingy. Timed to go with St Patrick’s Day. Nice.
(BodyWash.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Today’s the opening of the DCist Exposed Photography Show at the Warehouse Theater Gallery near Convention Center. I won’t be going, partly because I’ve just got way too much on my plate work-wise to engage in things like recreation on a Friday night, and partly because, well, maybe it’s just the hubris complex talking, but I might just be a teeny bit sore that none of my submitted photos got into the winners list. So I’m going to just show those photos here. Call it the “Brownpau Exposed Photography Show.” Except that, well, I’m not uh, really, exposing anything. Yeah.