BHP Christian Podcast Review

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(First full length entry in Brownpau Hates Podcasting, in which I review the podcasts of John Piper, Ravi Zacharias, RC Sproul Jr, and Mark Dever, while still hating podcasting.


  1. Did you mean RC Sproul as in Lignoier Ministries or his son RC Sproul Jr? Cause I didn’t know Jr was podcasting and I couldn’t find a podcast by him.

    I loved the “Presbyterian stuck in a Baptist body!” I’m right there with you.

    Pretty much agreed with your assessment but I love podcasting. So which one of us is wrong? ;)

    Piper at 3x speed. :) Never cared for Dever much. When we went to Desiring God conferences and he spoke my wife and I would choose that time to slip out and head to Mall of America.

  2. Paulo says:

    Oops, my goof. I meant RC Sproul, not Jr. I always keep making that mistake and thinking the elder is a Jr. and the son is a III. Just goes to show what an awful Presbyterian I’d make.

  3. Daniel says:

    Do you hate doing podcasts or listening to podcasts? Anyway that was a great first effort!

    I’m subscribed to Sproul, Zacharias and Piper but listen to Zacharias the most. I love his Q&A sessions at universities.

    I’d like to recommend the following if you haven’t heard of them yet. The Stand to Reason podcast (which I’m sure you know about), Issues, Etc. (at and the White Horse Inn (

  4. It’s even worse: Jr. is actually the fourth RC, and none of them have the same middle name. It’s all a plot to mess with your mind…mwahaha! ;-) Seriously, he picked up the Jr. just to distinguish himself from his dad.