LOST 3.10-3.12: Dharma Van, Football, Star Wars

Spoilers ahead. Close your eyes!

Previously on LOST, Hurley found a Vee Dub in the woods, got it running with help from Charlie, Sawyer, and Jin, then drove it off frame with a swell of music. The next episode, he’s playing table tennis with Sawyer and doesn’t even mention the van. What happened to it? Did it run out of gas? Did he park it by the beach? Did he unpimp ze auto?

And did you notice that Hurley’s latest “Dad and the Carburetor” flashback made a big deal out of the “You make your own luck” platitude, with a subtle de-emphasis on the Cursed Numbers? I get the impression the writers are backing off from the whole “The Numbers are Bad” subplot, which has been blown all out of proportion ever since that first season Hurley episode about the lottery.

Sayid, Kate, Rousseau, and Locke (listed in order of perceived sanity) go off to rescue Jack from the Island Suburb of Otherville Barracks, blowing up the Flame communications station and getting Mikhail to go all West Side Old School on Ms. Klugh in the process. (First you have Michael and Walt leaving, then Eko getting killed by Stompy, then this. LOST island really doesn’t like black people, does it? Bernard better keep an eye on Rose.) Then you have the sonic pulse fence killing Mikhail, and Jack playing football. Football!

Oh, and of course if LOST were Star Wars, you would have Jack as Luke, Claire as Leia, and Christian Shepard as Darth Vader. I guess that makes Charlie … Han Solo? Which means Ethan is Greedo, because we all know who shoots first.

Tonight’s episode: Locke blows up a submarine with Ben’s blessing. Possible super mega ultra major spoilers here. Could be right, could be wrong, but at least the show seems to be recovering from its slow slump. I hear Cousin Oliver Paulo is going to get shot in the head, which I don’t mind at all, since that ensures my continued search results supremacy over him and a whole bunch of other Paulos.

Afternoon Walk

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It was nice enough out for a walk down to SW DC this afternoon, and I took these snaps as I went along. (I decided to let them gather in my Flickr photostream rather than post them to here one by one, just to keep from flooding my weblog with single mobile updates.) Upper left: sunlight streaming through the trees onto the green grass of the National Mall between 3rd and 4th St. Upper right: Washington Monument and bright descending sun. Lower left: Graffiti on a sign, calling to free Palestine and Oaxaca. Lower right: Titanic Memorial, Southwest Waterfront.



Nearly empty Metro train, Red Line at rush hour going against the flow above Dupont Circle. On my way back from Petco at Cleveland Park for cat supplies.

(Metro.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)



The bunny’s shirt says ‘Happy Hopster,’ and if you press its on/off paw it jumps around with springy noises while singing a song.

(Hopster.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)

A Request to Flickr

Hey, Flickr! I went and merged my Flickr login with my Yahoo account. It was seamless and hitch-free, even after closing my browser and reopening it to make sure the Flickr cookie was persistent between sessions. There. I’m happy. Okay? Are you happy? Good. I did it for you. Now you have to do something for me.

One of your sibling Yahoo “2.0” acquisitions, del.icio.us, has a daily blog posting feature, part of which is a cat_id field so I can assign a category to entries that del.icio.us remotely posts to Movable Type. Flickr lacks this, has lacked it for some time, and needs to get on it ASAP. I’m very tired of having to open up MT when I get home from a day of posting mobile entries via MMS, just so I can set the category of the day’s mail-to-weblog posts to “mobile” manually.

I merged for you, Flickr! Will you cat_id for me?


Old First Baptist DC, later Ford's Theater 12-04a 1890ca Stakely in sanctuary 12-03a 1890 Fourth building soon after built - source archiv 02-1952-09-21-Sanctuary of 4th church - source AHarward 18-03a 1977-1980 Sanks, Trentham and Carters in front of church

Sunday was the 205th Anniversary of my church, FBCDC. To spruce up the website’s front page last week, I asked Mary, the current acting church secretary, if she could spare a few historic church photos from the archives, and she sent me these lovely pictures, some dating back to the first days of the church in the early 1800s, when it was just four ministers and six laypersons gathering in the old Treasury Building, and later the current location — but the old building — at 16th and O NW.

I was also in charge of the Gospel reading for the day — the Parable of the Prodigal Son, from Luke, which I gave my most bombastic effort. (Not for nothing, after all, was I bronze medalist in interpretive reading back in Ateneo Grade School.) If your browser or media player can handle WMA audio, you can listen to me read from the pulpit, and hear the choir sing Bruckner’s “Locus Iste,” sound files courtesy Pastor Jim. (Note that I am also singing in the choir, so whenever I read the Gospel, it means that after singing I must spring to the pulpit immediately from the chancel while the echoes of the gradual are still fading. It’s fun.)

(Also see FBCDC+204, my entry from last year’s anniversary.)



From the noise outside my window I thought it was another protest march, but then I heard the guy on the bullhorn say something like “elephants,” so I ran to the window in time to catch a line of elephants plod by, scantily clad women atop them, a parade of marchers and drummers in tow. It was the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus’ Pachyderm Parade, going down E Street towards Gallery Place to set up the circus.

Update: Video here on DC Metroblogging.



Coming up from Waterfront Metro. A bright blue sky shines down from above the escalator canopy. I don’t remember the canopy being so clear.

(Canopy.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)



Next Sunday’s gradual, Pablo Casals’ “O Vos Omnes,” or, as translated to English on this sheet, “O Ye People.” Sadly I will be away from church and choir that day, so I won’t be singing the baritone part.

(VosOmnes.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)



A rare photo of me in a (gasp!) necktie. Mobile self portrait taken in the choir rehearsal room at church immediately after service. Formal wear to look nice for my reading of the gospel today, the parable of the prodigal son. Today was First Baptist DC’s 205th anniversary celebration.

(MeInTie.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)