The story is that someone posted a question to Ask Metafilter about avoiding alcohol in vanilla extracts for religious reasons (Islam, I think). A few people answered with the standard “Oh you poor stupid religious person,” as is to be expected from Metafilter; which precipitated this etiquette debate in which some actually defend their right to mock tangentially religious queries, some chide them for their childish intolerance, and it’s generally a standard poo fling, not much worth reading, but I did want to anchor to a couple of gems:
- “Contemporary science education, with its emphasis on a survey of a body of facts in a given discipline, strongly gives people the impression that we’re pretty much the only reasonable generation that’s ever lived and everyone before us were close to cavemen, worshipping the god of fire.”
- “I imagine you sitting and patting yourself on the back for this kind of comment. Bravo, good chap! You give those stupid people what for! Hoho! Tolerate, must I? Even the “stupid?” Oh no, I say, as I pull another zinger from my coat pocket. Not one illuminated such as I.”
That’s it, really. No need to read the whole thread; it’s not worth it, but those two caught my eye. And after a certain point, I think Mayor Curley’s just being facetious, and I find it just as funny.