Sudden Backlog

I suddenly have a huge backlog of various things I’ve been doing, reading, watching, using, or following, which I haven’t been writing about; and suddenly I realize I’m behind on it all, with not much time to put out anything beyond linklog sound bites. That’s one of the problems with the interdisciplinary nature of a personal weblog: the buffet is so huge that it’s easy for the plate to fill up quickly. (Or maybe that’s just one of the problems with being a lazy writer.)

Here’s a quick dump of what’s been on my mind: Mars rover Opportunity, the Nokia 6600, Flickr photosets and post-to-weblog issues, Bruce Sterling’s Involution Ocean, Eric Scholler’s Fast Food Nation, American Beauty, Deep Throat, Teddy Benigno, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Imelda, and Apple going with Intel hardware. I’ll try to write about all of it this week sometime this year.