Sassy Angel Asian Prince Kisses

Whlie learning Basic HTML last night in vandaWeb, we were introduced to these fine examples of advanced web design: Sassy Angel Kisses and Asian Prince 213. Yeah baby.


  1. Rod says:

    Well, they BOTH violate the simplicity principle – they are just way too BUSY.

    The second one, however, goes farther and is absolutely disgusting. Tacky does not even BEGIN to descibe it. If it were not apparent that he was serious, I would have thought it was a parody.

    In summation, both these sites are good examples that we should not do things simply because we can – taste should be a driving factor.

  2. Raffy says:

    Oh. My. God. Oh yeah, Asian Prince, we wants you so bad you so hot.

  3. Jenn says:

    As far as Sassy Angel Kisses, I promise you that not all of the women in South Carolina are that way.

    Just most of them. ;-)

  4. Jesper says:

    I’m surprised you can hold down a web design job with these talented bastards available.

  5. Kyriosity says:

    I’m heartbroken. AsianPrince’s site has exceeded bandwidth consumption for the day so I can’t see it. Tragical!

  6. Dean says:

    Unfortunately Sassy Angel didn’t like my Moz for some reason. I think I’ll pass on Asian Princes.

  7. mike says:

    Please tell me that these are examples of WHAT NOT TO DO. Such features that are at work in those webpages should not be taught to beginners. Their code needs to be stored onto a disk, deleted from everyone’s memory, and blown up for the sake of humanity.

  8. Jason Wall says:

    I kind liked sassy’s… all black with moving things…. yay!…