ExplodingDog-like character scrawled onto a switchbox on Penn Ave NW.
Update: Okay, it was all a joke. The guy says he used to be a Ron Paul supporter but is no longer one, and the “Diggbot” download links went to an “about”-type page. More about Ron Paul and spam in my “ronpaul” tag on del.icio.us.
For more info on Ron Paul, see Ron Paul vs the New World Order, an excellent roundup of Ron Paul‘s questionable ideological roots in conspiracy, survivalist, libertarian, anarchic, anti-taxation circles; and my own later entry on the topic.
I’m just getting the hang of Digg lately, having been reattracted to it by the recently added social profile functionality, and I was curious as to why Ron Paul gets so much play in the 2008 elections “upcoming” stream; maybe too much, even given the influence of a core community of passionate, connected, rather vocal online libertarian supporters (pejoratively called “paultards” or “ronbots” or “ronulans”). My suspicions were especially piqued by the number of strange diggs on a jokey throwaway post — this was either the result of people who don’t RTFL, or an automated bot at work.
Then a quick search found the Ron Paul Diggbot — Google-cached from August, as the actual page appears to have been pulled. From the description, the Diggbot searches for Digg posts with “Ron Paul” in the title, and can digg these posts up to the front page, auto-register fake Digg users, and post comments by these generated users drawing on a library of 1000 positive Ron Paul comments, all channeled through anonymous Tor proxies so as to obfuscate IP lookups.
My first thought on seeing it was that the Diggbot must be a joke or a prank, but the domain whois info points to a name associated with a very active user on various Paul sites, who later ran afoul of RonPaulForums.com after he claimed to have switched his allegiances over to Rudy Guiliani. Change of heart? Hacked username? Clever, over-involved troll? Without a look at what the Diggbot actually does, we may never know. It’s worth noting that the Diggbot was still up in August, as much as a month after its hoster was banned from the forums, and was available as an EXE, BIN, or DMG for Win32, Linux, and Mac OS X respectively, which I find odd for a function better handled as a hosted Perl, Python, or PHP script. The one reference to it on Digg appears to have been buried and deleted.
(The funny part is, Ron Paul didn’t really need faked grassroots online support, having raised a healthy five million over the summer, well-outdoing other minor candidates like Mike Huckabee. The net effect of all this unethical, overwrought, or community-saturating online involvement may well be the undoing of Ron Paul‘s surge in popularity, as people see a vocal community of, not passionate voters, but outspoken fanatics whose speech and activity consists of polarizing invective and frantic clicking which, intentionally or no, overtakes the flow of dialogue by sheer volume and frequency. Ron Paul‘s name becomes more associated with forum spam and unpleasant dogmatism rather than with the survivalist free market libertarian constitutional absolutism for which he was once better known.)
Related links:
- Digg 2008 US Elections Upcoming stream.
- The “Diggbot.”
- Thread in which Diggbot hoster woowoowoo22 gets banned from the forums.
- Ron Paul versus the New World Order – great backgrounder on Ron Paul’s roots in conspiracy, survivalist, libertarian, and anti-taxation circles.
- Monty Python “spam” sketch
Update: I sent this link over to the news desk at work, and Russell posted it to Digg, so feel free to digg me up, but remember, I think the jury’s still out as to whether the Diggbot is for real or not. Update: Not real.
Moving train, metro station, camera phone in ‘night’ mode. Blur into lines and fields.
(MetroBlr.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
The double hyphen trains — are they out of service? Is it a sign malfunction? Is it blue or orange or yellow or green? It is a profound Metro mystery.
(DashTrn.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Traffic sign near Wisconsin and M St, Georgetown. Update: More on Joe Pozell, who was directing traffic at this intersection when he was struck by an SUV.
(WithCare.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Recent Photos in DCist and Express
Two photos of mine recently got passing mentions in two major DC weblogs last week: “Monument and Moon” in an “About Tonight” entry on DCist and a link to “Metro Warp” in an Express post about Ron Paul and public transportation. Thank you to both for noticing. You really like me!
Taking the harbor route to work this morning.
(KeyBridg.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Metro Warp
I’ve been wanting to get a long-exposure Metro photo like this for years, and I finally got my chance on the way home from Roosevelt Island on Saturday. If you look at the trail left by the LCD sign you can see its refresh frequency.
Between Summer and Fall on Roosevelt Island
Amy and I went to the M Street Southwest DMV Saturday morning, and had a much easier time there than we’d had at the Georgetown DMV the previous day. Afterward we went on a little hike around Theodore Roosevelt Island. Months of drought had left the soil dry, and the tide was very low, so there was a pervasive stink of mud around the weed-clogged river, and the marsh was reduced to a virtual trickle over a mess of old, soaked, broken branches. That, plus the cool, breezy, sunny day, gave a true in-between feel to the seasons.