Saturday in NYC

We were up in New York City for another Saturday, mostly to look at a bunch of painting shows up for the season:

I didn’t bring out my camera, so not many photos from today other than the few from my phone, but click on the links above for some fascinating art.


mo_341_.jpg Just went to service at the church we got married in. It’s unusually warm out for October.

(mo_341_.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)


SubBox.jpg Some kind of display box at 14th St Union Square station. No idea why it says 13 – the arriving train was a 5 Express.

(SubBox.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)


Met.jpg We’re at the Met to look at ‘The Age of Rembrandt,’ which I estimate to be about 450. Update: Oops, he’s 401.

(Met.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)

Big Broccoli

On Sunday afternoon Amy and I found the biggest broccoli crown we’d ever seen at the “Soviet” Safeway on 17th Street NW. This was huge. It was like a baobab tree.

Broccoli Looms Over You Broccoli World This is my Broccoli Face <–my broccoli face.

Big Broccoli is Big

I have added the Empire State Building to the large photo to give you an idea of scale. Based on this visual comparison you can see that this broccoli is at least 2700 feet high at its peak, possibly even rivalling the projected height of the Burj Dubai at its completion.

Anyway, it’s all gone now. We ate it with chicken adobo and rice, and slices of stalk in veggie ranch dip. The whole crown lasted us through three dinners for two. I love broccoli.


New personal project up: Space Get! Sputnik 1’s 50th anniversary seemed like a good day to announce this: Space Get, “a sticky ball for spaceflight images, videos, and other space media.”

I often entertain my inner frustrated astronaut by seeking out popular and obscure historical rocket launch and spaceflight media from the heyday of the Space Age, and I found myself wishing that someone would collect and tag links to this stuff in one spot so that people like me could find specific mission media from a single source. Then I realized — that someone could be me, with a simple Blogspot site and a bit of perseverance.

So, in the four days I’ve been doing this it’s just been a few space videos, an image, and a WAV file, but I intend to post links to stuff from missions in Sputnik, Vostok, Voshkod, Soyuz, Salyut, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, STS, ISS, Orion, JPL, LPL, GSFC, MSFC, SpaceshipOne, SpaceshipTwo, Space-X, Bigelow, and other programs as I go along. Fittingly, the first post goes “beep.”

Also vote for it on Metafilter Projects and Digg.