Water in Motion

While strolling around the Haupt Garden over the weekend, Amy and I paused at the fountain to watch birds bathing, and I tried my hand at high speed photos of the water, setting my camera to ISO 1600, lowest exposure, macro on when up close. The results are rather grainy, but it looks like the SD1000 does a pretty good job of capturing water in motion:

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National Gallery Timelapses and Painting Details

Amy and I were at the National Gallery on Saturday to look at American works by Homer, Eakins, Bellows, as well as explore the little-known inner maze of Italian Renaissance galleries in the West Building. Along the way I tried out the time lapse feature on my Powershot and got a few quick videos:

I had hoped to catch the giant Calder mobile in motion but it was not a very windy day, so there was no movement.

I also paused in the Italian galleries to get a few detail shots of paintings that caught my eye — Saint Anthony’s meeting with a centaur (or is it a satyr?) in the wilderness, Saint Helena’s flower-nippled breastplate, Gian Federico Madruzzo’s dog’s weird shrunken head, and Aeneas and Achates’ classy travel attire:

Saint Anthony and the Centaur (Satyr?) Saint Helena Small-Headed Dog Classy Travel Attire

Butterfly Cube

Butterfly Cube Sculpture on a front lawn in Foggy Bottom: oblique black cube ascends into white butterfly peeling away from upper vertice.

(Butterfly Cube uploaded by brownpau.)

Metro Tunnel

Metro Tunnel Looking up the Red Line from the edge of Dupont Circle station. You can’t see them in the gloomy B/W noir effect, but there’s two track inspectors just beyond the lit area.

(Metro Tunnel uploaded by brownpau.)

Potomac High Tide

Flood warnings on the Potomac River today due to swelling brought about by heavy rains. Here’s a quick clip from the Harbour, with a close up of the measuring stick on the dock, about a half hour before tide hits its highest mark. Lots of debris on the river, and the water is almost six feet deep. (I rarely see it go over five.)

Dark Metro

The last two cars of this Blue Line train were dark. Train was running, air conditioning worked, there were people inside, but it was dark up till McPherson Square. Then the lights came on. Quite strange.

Later on, I got on a Red Line train and was buzzed by a threatening-looking bee. I killed it, much to the appreciation of others in the vicinity who were also being swooped upon.

Departing, Arriving: Two Train Clips

Above left: view from the train as we leave Metropark, New Jersey. You can see my reflection in the window. Above right: Walking down the platform and recording from the hip after getting off the train at Union Station in Washington, DC.