New Year, New Trail

New Year’s Day was cool and foggy, good for a little hike around the Jerry Lonecloud and Jersey Jack trails at Cole Harbour Heritage Park.

Foggy Cole Harbour Heritage Park Ezra at Cole Harbour Heritage Park

Temps had peaked at above freezing for the day, but patches of ice persisted on the paths, and the shallow waters of the harbour were still frozen beneath a thick, swirling mist. Ezra and I threw a few rocks onto the ice: some bounced and skidded, some fell through.

Foggy Cole Harbour Heritage Park

We found a bear.

Bear Tree Stump with Necktie

More photos from our local trails here.

Christmas 2021

Our Christmas tree, accompanied by a parol Amy made with these papercut patterns:

Christmas tree and paper parol

On Christmas Day Ezra got Bowser’s Castle, while Amy got me False Knees and a BasicFun handheld Carmen Sandiego game (to go with last year’s Oregon Trail). I’d already gifted Amy her Christmas gift early (iPhone 12 mini) but also got us some nice NS-themed sweaters from Local Love.

Carmen Sandiego handheld game Ezra gets a Lego Mario Bowsers Castle Set

Can’t forget the cats; Martha and Amelia got little handmade plush catnip kickers from Hen and Goose.

Cats got little catnip kickers Cats got little catnip kickers

Later in the afternoon we went for a walk around the beach, taking in the golden landscape of cold, tree-lined dunes by the Atlantic, lit by the low winter sun.

Christmas Day at Rainbow Haven Beach Christmas Day at Rainbow Haven Beach
Christmas Day at Rainbow Haven Beach

Merry Christmas — our second pandemic holiday, but we try to find what light we can. More photos here as the winter goes on.

Snowy Cart

Nearby playground, found this shopping cart in the snow.

Shopping Cart in the Snowy Park

Seems to have come from Shoppers.

Moose, Passage, Tree

Eventful day: visited the Cow Bay Moose, played on a playground overlooking the ocean, popped into Shore Things, and ended the day with a new Christmas tree from a local lot — it fit in our car’s trunk!

Cow Bay Moose Oceanview Vintage NS record Picking a Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree

Been a while since we last visited the moose. Should do that more often. (Note: small cheat; this entry was backdated, sorry)


Another autumn, the leaves change, the trees turn colours.

Maple leaves changing colour
Cole Harbour Heritage Park
Autumnal Backyard Maples

Fall. It gets colder and darker. Some of the maple leaves are fiery.

Old Lawrencetown Road Trail in Autumn
Autumnal Maple Leaf

And soon the trees are bare again, and we can see to the ocean.

Leaves Mostly Gone

Winter snow soon. For now, always relevant Onion article.


Sun in the west peeked through storm clouds in the late afternoon, and a bright double rainbow appeared in the east, visible all over Halifax. Caught the full arc from work with the wide angle lens of my GoPro:

Rainbow Over Halifax

Probably the brightest rainbow I’ve seen, with the pronounced inner brightening clearly visible. Note the helicopter just inside the outer rainbow, to the left. (Might need to view this at full size to see it.)

Halloween 2021

Ezra was Mario for Halloween, complete with adhesive moustache and plush paunch insert.

Halloween 2021

Meanwhile I borrowed his astronaut helmet and hovered in the window behind the table we had set up on the front porch for trick-or-treaters.

Halloween 2021

It was mostly rainy and windy so we stayed in and did an in-house candy hunt, but were able to do a little trick-or-treating around immediate neighbours (masked and distanced) between bursts of precipitation. That sufficed for this Halloween.