Long Overdue Haircut

Procrastinated on getting a haircut for a couple years, but with hair flowing over my shoulders and down my back and as far down as my elbows and generally being a tangled mess I figured I’d probably better get the standard buzz I usually get. Still fighting the reflexive urge to tie back a ponytail days later.

Before haircut: long messy locks over my shoulders, and after haircut: military-style buzz and fade

Buzz and fade courtesy Tom at Chinwag’s Barber Shop. The shorn locks are now in a baggie with the Trailer Park Boys costumes and production designer Nicole, who may use it in a wig or as a prop.


Thus cementing my legacy with the show in hair forever. Or something.

Sleepy Sunny Cat

Here’s Amelia sprawled on the bed in a sunbeam putting a paw over her face:

Shorthaired tabby cat lying on sunlit bed with a paw over her nose and mouth Same tabby cat but she has moved her paw up to cover her eyes

Three Crows

Crows and Peanut

Been throwing out peanuts out for the local crows; a few times some have gotten bold enough to land on the railing with me still standing there. I’ve had as many as eight in one morning, but sadly so far they have not reciprocated with shiny gifts as I’ve heard crows sometimes do.

Snow Alien

Six year old child beside a little snow figure with sticks forming squinty eyes and short arms

Ezra and I built a little snow alien at Baker Drive Community Park in Dartmouth. This one’s kind of a grey.

Halifax Across the Harbour

Views of Halifax from Dartmouth Ferry Terminal Park Views of Halifax from Dartmouth Ferry Terminal Park

Last day of 2022 was clear and relatively warm, with nice views of Halifax across the harbour from the park by the Dartmouth ferry terminal.

On the Costley Farm Trail

After we scattered Martha’s ashes, we tried hiking the Costley Farm Trail, a rocky, hilly trail connecting Cole Harbour Heritage Park to the Salt Marsh Trail.

Cole Harbour Heritage Park

Along the way we found this nice picnic area, apparently built by crew from the HMCS Ville de Quebec.

Cole Harbour Heritage Park
Cole Harbour Heritage Park

Also found some Witch’s Butter fungus growing out of a tree stump.

Witch's Butter mushroom

From the Salt Marsh Trailhead, I did a brisk hike back up along the smoother Heritage Trail to pick up the car — first really strenuous walking activity since my bout with covid a few months back. Happy to report I did not keel over from fatigue or multiple organ failure, so I think I’ve rested sufficiently since recovering.