Confessions Of

Sometimes I like to open up Google News and do a phrase search for Confessions of, which can turn up some interesting reading. Sometimes.

Confessions of a Google Glass Explorer. I was told that I was one of the first few hundred Explorers in the city, which made me feel like some third-rate Shackleton embarked on my own Nimrod Expedition into the neon ice.

Confessions of a Drone Pilot. Chillingly, to mitigate these effects, researchers have proposed creating a Siri-like user interface, a virtual copilot that anthropomorphizes the drone and lets crews shunt off the blame for whatever happens. Siri, have those people killed.

Confessions of a TSA Screener. Every now and then, a passenger would throw up two middle fingers during his or her scan, as though somehow aware of the transgressions going on.

Confessions of Cruise Ship Crew Members. Are crew members allowed to fraternize with the passengers? On the mass-market and other large ships, the answer is a simple “no.”

Confessions of a Divemaster. If dive guides or any staff members misbehaved too much, they’d be “NBO-ed” — i.e., fired and sent away on the Next Boat Off the island.

Confessions of a Fed Up Flight Attendant. Maxi Pads.

Confessions of a Vine Dad. Maybe I should stop. And yet … strangers liked me on the Internet—every insecure writer’s dream.

Tavurvur Eruption

Here’s a video of active volcano Tavurvur erupting in Papua New Guinea in August, recorded by an Australian taxi driver named Phil McNamara.

It’s an impressive explosion, with a visible condensation shock and a loud, delayed sonic boom. Tavurvur has killed people before, but current conditions during this eruption have spared surrounding populations from ash and debris.

BIG Maze

BIG Maze (designed by Bjarke Ingels Group) is just that: a giant maze of high wood walls, but with a twist: as you go deeper in, the walls gradually descend towards the core, revealing more and more of the structure as you approach the center.


We visited last weekend and I got a POV traverse video with Glass.

We hadn’t been to the National Building Museum for a while; it was nice to see it again.

National Building Museum

While in the maze we also ran into old friends and neighbors Jodi and Roberto.


Sadly the last day of the BIG Maze was on September 1st and it is now being dismantled. No word yet on if it will go elsewhere; would be nice if NBM acquired the piece as part of their permanent collection.

Fourth of July Weekend in NJ/NYC

Fourth of July in New Jersey presented an opportunity to test out how well Google Glass captures fireworks. It was pretty fun to be able to record video while also looking at the explosions rather than checking a screen constantly. (With thanks to brother-in-law Bob for driving us to Nomahegan Park to see the show.)

Over the weekend we took a Circle Line boat ride around Manhattan to see the updated skyline with the almost-finished World Trade Center tower.


It’s a tour I haven’t taken since I was a kid, and it was nice to be on the water and see the Statue of Liberty and the undersides of the East River bridges again.

Statue of Liberty
Brooklyn Bridge

Full Fourth of July Weekend 2014 photo album here, and a Google+ story auto-generated from my Google Glass photos and videos here.