Leopard Gecko

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I’m taking care of my neighbor’s leopard gecko this weekend. She (the gecko, not the neighbor) lives in a large glass tank lit by a red heat lamp, and eats live crickets which are kept in a separate container. This means I have to pick a cricket by hand out of the swarm, shake it in a container of calcium supplement powder, drop it into the gecko’s tank and watch her stalk and pounce, then repeat the process two or three times until she’s full. The crickets themselves have to be fed orange cubes, else they begin eating each other. That’s right: you have to feed the food or else it starts eating itself.

More on Leopard Geckos here. She’s a cute gecko, and readily crawls onto your hand when invited, and even gives you a little lick, but I think I still prefer my cat.

Photo Retrospective: The House in Majayjay

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This old Spanish colonial house has been with my dad’s side of the family since the 16th Century, in Majayjay, a small provincial town on the slopes of Mount Banahaw, about 50 miles south of Manila. The whole clan goes there once a year to eat lanzones, but we were visiting the place just after Christmas 2003 to inspect the property for future restoration. More photos here.

Well, I’ve finished uploading, sorting, and dating my photos for 2002 and 2003. It’s hard, tedious work that keeps me up late, so I’m taking a break before I upload the rest of my pre-Flickr life. For now, I’m back to posting current photos for a week or so. Browse the photosets for old stuff if you wish.

(Aside: Those of you who visit my weblog infrequently enough that you don’t catch certain entries before they slide off the front page, I would not have you miss this poetry-enhanced retrospective: Oh Baltimore!)

Tita Alice

Condolences go out to the Francia family in the loss of their plucky and outspoken matriarch, Mama Alice. (Tita Alice to me.) Tita Alice was my paternal grandmother’s first cousin, which made her my third-degree great-aunt, I think. (The Filipino concepts of “cousin” and “aunt” differ, however, from the American language. I need to look into that and explain it to you sometime.)

[Update: Bam tells me she’s my “first cousin twice removed.” I really cannot imagine thinking of someone of more than a generation up as a “cousin.” For me it’s always been “tita” (aunt) or “lola” (grandma).]

I first met Tita Alice here in the DC area via her daughter, a good friend of my uncle and aunt in NoVA. Still strong as an ox and tough as nails at 90 years old, she would regale me with stories of my father’s childhood, and the capers of my Filipino-Spanish forebears who lived in colonial times. It was through Tita Alice that I discovered that I have a fraction of French blood via my great-great aunt Calixtra Ordoveza (fourth or fifth degree, I think, and the French ancestry came from a direct ancestor above her). Tita Alice would tell me on more than one occasion that Lola Calixtra had a chronically twitchy eyelid, which caused her to grow a line of gentlemen suitors from all over the colony, men who thought she had been winking at them.

I wish I could have written down more of these stories of my ancestors that Tita Alice told me, but alas, I never got to it before she died of a stroke earlier this week. She will be much missed, by her wonderful family, by her many piano students, by myself, and by many others whose lives she inspired with the strength and vigor that sustained her right up till her very last hours. May she rest in peace till the promised Day of Rising comes.

RIP Alice Francia, May 1915 – February 2006

Del.icio.us Daily Blog Posting MT 3.2 API Login Issue

After doing a fresh install of Movable Type 3.2, I found that del.icio.us was no longer posting the daily linklog. Even after I updated the XML-RPC URL and username and password, the daily blog posting page would meet this error from Movable Type:

metaWeblog.newPost fault was: Invalid login

It turns out that you’re supposed to set your MT API password separately from your regular username and password. To do this, go to Main Menu > Authors > Yourself (where “Yourself” is you, of course, and there shouldn’t be anyone else if you’re on the free single-author setup), and set your API password in the last field. It doesn’t need to be the same as your MT password, but you’ll need to make sure to update the password for external services which post using the API, such as Flickr and del.icio.us. (And use the “Reveal” link to make sure your password isn’t in ALLCAPS, which mine was for the first day, to much puzzlement and head-scratching.)

Photo Retrospective: Baltimore (plus bad poetry)

Oh Baltimore, sweet Baltimore!
My home for a year, oh Baltimore!
For my future and life, in you I put stock,
On my first night there, I stumbled into The Block.*

howard street bridgeindustriometry20021027mica1Salted Light Rail Ramp

Little Italy was home, an artist’s townhouse that leaked
In winter it froze, in summer it reeked.
Yet it had cats, and a lovely neighborhood:
Inner Harbor was there, and also Whole Foods.

lichurchlihousebaltroomJasper at the WindowLovely Sunset Sky Over Little Italy

New friends and new hopes, in new churches to meet:
Sailors Union, Govans, FCF, Lee Street,
Central, Chesapeake, Old Otterbein, and more,
In historic and richly diverse Baltimore!

Around Mount Vernon SquareOld Otterbein UMCFirst and Franklin PresbyterianSet404_01Set404_03

Barukatash, Wyclif, Gideon, Kyriosity,

McKenzie, Garver, Bergey, Steven, Riptiki,

Tag, Steph, AManne, Sad Eyed Artist, Dear_Mo,

And if I’ve forgotten anyone, sorry, but yo!


I’m sorry, dear Baltimore, The City That Reads,
I’d have stayed a bit longer but I didn’t  BELIEVE 
It’s not that your pull and your Charm weren’t strong;
It’s just that the commute to DC was too long.

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To you I came, oh Baltimore, bright-eyed but doleful,
Sad and lonely and burdened with a broken heart,
From you I left, love renewed and hopeful,
And with a degree in Digital Art.

“Oh Baltimore!”
A Really Bad Poem by Paulo

Full photosets: Baltimore Memories, MICA Memories, Lee Memorial Park, President’s Day Snowstorm, Historic Ships, Shot Tower.

* I stumbled into the Block looking for a good cheese steak, not cheap prostitutes. If I’d known about that area of town I wouldn’t have gone near it. Fortunately I left with my virginity and wallet intact.

A Washington Deluxe Bus Non-Adventure

To save money on my regular trips north to visit Amy, I am increasingly relying on discount Chinatown bus lines to get me from DC to New York. Last Friday I decided to try the Washington Deluxe bus that leaves from right by my apartment: a mistake I probably will not be repeating.

The bus leaves at 3pm, and encourages pre-reserved ticket holders to be there fifteen minutes early. I left work early to bathe and pack and snack, then dashed across the street to join the line of about 15 people already there at 2:50PM. The bus arrived about thirty minutes late, having come round first from another pickup location, and worse, had only one seat available for 15 people — some of whom were pre-reserved and even prepaid. There was a bit of an argument, which ended with one girl getting on the bus, and the conductor assuring the remaining passengers that there would be 14 seats on the next bus coming in a few minutes.

The bus left. An hour and half passed. In that time, the guy beside me in line, a young, slightly unkempt black man carring a US Postal Service tote bag, began to mutter something. I commented to him that Washington Deluxe sure had sucky service, but was probably still worth the $20, when he suddenly left the line and began walking up and down the sidewalk, cursing at the “rich, Harvard-going white folks” for holding the black man down.” (He used “white” to cover whites, Asians, Hispanics, and blacks who did not look ethnically black.) Uncomfortable shifting and giggles ensued, from all races, as they were pinned with responsibility for just about everything that the black man has suffered through history and the present day. Someone wondered whether the police should be called — or if the guy just wanted spare change.

Finally, another person in line tried calling the bus company to complain, and after a long wait on hold, was told by the representative that there was no other bus and she had no idea why the conductor would say another bus would be coming. She offered the option of free ride vouchers or discounted Greyhound tickets, but really, who wants to ride a bus like that for free — or on Greyhound?

It got funnier: scarce minutes after this call was ended and the passengers were wondering what to do, another bus did arrive — and had only three seats for fourteen pre-reserved passengers. As angry passengers surrounded the conductor at the door, the black racist had begun yelling again, blaming the white man for oppression, slavery, police brutality, and the lack of seats on the bus. As the scene disintegrated into a shouting match, I decided that this was a circus, and that it was time to leave the circus.

So I took the subway over to Chinatown, browsed the various discount DC-NY bus companies there, and got on the earliest possible bus leaving for New York Penn Station: Eastern Shuttle. The ride was fine, and I think they’ll be my regular bus ride north from now on. Washington Deluxe can rot for all I care.

Photo/Travel Retrospectives: Mindoro/Katakian, Palau, Bohol, and More

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The year 2001 was a pretty active one for me, travel-wise. In February, I went to Mindoro and Katakian* with the Flying Medical Samaritans**; then in April, I joined my family for a dive trip to Palau; and for our post-Christmas trip, we joined my Dad’s clan for a tour of Bohol — with a dive detour for the scuba family***, of course. I hadn’t realized how eventful that year was: before Palau there were dive trips to Anilao and Fortune Island. Then early the following year I moved to Washington. That’s a lot of flying around.

* For years I’ve been spelling the name of the island as “Cataquian” when it’s actually spelled “Katakian.” The error has been fixed, at the cost of some possibly broken permalinks. Sorry.

** Gerry Clark, the missionary pilot with whom I flew, is no longer with FMS, but has instead branched into Home for Good (HFGF), an adoption ministry tied to the FMS orphanage in Mindoro. Both ministries, HFGF and FMS, are very much worth supporting, and I encourage you pastors and churchgoers out there to consider including them in your missions-and-ministry giving.

*** Note to self: scuba category as dive log.

More Changes

As promised, randomizing layouts are back. Each time you refresh the front page, a random stylesheet is fetched from the CSS folder. I’ve only done five as of this writing, so we’re a long way from the fifty-two I once reached, but with the exception of #1, these are brand-new layouts from scratch, each one maintaining a thin conceptual connection back to its predecessor of the same number. Skin #2, for example, still bears the image of the nameless stray kitten I once harbored for a night, and skin #4 is still a black layout, but without my puckered visage. (I’m still ruminating on how to do #6, which used to look like this, using a photo of the view from my old apartment in Parañaque. Obviously I can’t make my content divs that thin anymore.)

Nielsen’s Alertbox on Weblog Usability recommends an author bio and photo, so I’ve added a brief profile and icon to the sidebar.

If you’ve been watching the photostream, you’ll have noticed several old photos appearing, as I upload them from my backups, reorganize them into sets, and relink them from the photolog. It’s a long, time-consuming process, especially since I’m utterly obsessive about properly dating and captioning each and every photo as I go along.

This may have passed unnoticed, but there are now category archives. Right up until the server crash, categories had been imperfectly implemented; Movable Type default templates simply gave me the boost I needed to finally get them done. Some entries are still improperly categorized, but I hope a good tagging plugin will make things easier.

The bookmarks page now shows a list of all linked weblogs, in random order. Can you tell I like randomizing things?

The FAQ remains empty, but is open to your questions.