As promised, photos from today’s Snowy DC photo safari: (Full album here)

I’m especially proud of this one: a full 360° (and then some) panorama of the view from by the Washington Monument, which I have dubbed “The Grand 360+° Washington Monument Hilltop Panorama of Snowy Freedom.” Click on the thumbnail below to get the full-size image, but be warned — it’s big, as in 19,624 x 1,572 px big, and that’s reduced and compressed so it can upload to Flickr:

Today was definitely a walking day: I walked along the National Mall this morning, snapping photos, detoured up 17th Street at 11am to get to church, then walked back down to the Mall after worship to continue from where I left off. Church was mostly empty, understandably, so that the few people who did make it were able to attend the scaled-down service from the chancel. It felt good to be able to worship despite the snow day, especially with Jim’s insightful and humbling sermon on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s perspectives on meekness and ministry. After the photo-walk, I dropped by the Watergate to get some chicken tenders and rice from the basement Safeway, then Metro’d home to upload these photos. Now I am going to go soak my aching feet. Hope you all Eastcoasters had a happy snowy Sunday.

(Were you out and about in the snow? Leave a link to your photos in the comments!)