Lost 3.05: Tell The Black Smoke You’re Sorry

I think we’ve established with this episode that the Black Smoke is some kind of telepathically attuned entity which is capable of manifesting as certain persons from a character’s past, possibly via the restoration and reanimation of dead bodies it finds in wreckage. Past LOST storylines have emphasized the importance of a character coming to terms with an internal conflict by finding redemption in forgiveness, repentance, or simple closure. When Eko’s method of coming to terms with his brother Yemi involved a prideful rather than humbly repentant approach, (thus cementing Eko’s reputation as a bad theologian — reference his baptism gaffe) Smoke-Yemi disowned him as a brother. Smack then proceeded to be laid down, ridding the island of yet another actor whose driving had run him afoul of Hawaii’s Finest.

That leaves only one Tail Section survivor in the group, not counting those kidnapped by the Others: Bernard, who has not been seen since the second season finale. What was the point of the whole Tail Section subplot, then? To provide a pool of disposable characters whose deaths could be used to generate TV magazine buzz without actually disrupting the core storyline too much?

I did like the explanation for Eko’s building a church on the island. Originally I had thought of it as a sign that some of the survivors would want to stay on the island rather than be rescued, and he was preparing to provide for their long-term spiritual nourishment, but the revelation that he was instead executing a personal form of penance for his brother (owing Yemi one church) is a far more profound explanation in line with his character development.

While I was prepared for Eko’s death and Ben’s spinal tumor from various spoilers, Juliet’s treacherous Cue Card Message came totally out of left field. Blew me away. Of course Jack’s whole dilemma at this point is whom and what to believe: is there really deathly dissent among the Others, or are Ben and Juliet conspiring to create the appearance of dissent so as to sway his surgical sympathies towards Ben? After all, Ben did say that he wanted Jack to want to operate. On the other hand, certain third-person scenes have shown Ben and Juliet in a subtle power struggle with each other, so she could be upping the ante behind his back. If indeed her cue cards were sincere, Juliet says in her silent message that Ben is a dangerous liar — but this audaciously murderous plan shows her as being fairly dangerous too, as Sawyer pointed out in the previous episode. This should make for an interesting three-pointed conflict as Jack makes his decision.

Subterfuge or no, I really do enjoy Ben’s candor with Jack. His spiel about the whole plan to “break” Jack with an inculcation of emotional investment was an excellent extension of the Of Mice and Men allusion, i.e. “the best laid plans.” One nugget of insight: the plane crash wasn’t a deliberate act carried out by the Others. If the “book club” teaser didn’t put that theory to rest, then Ben’s own profession of the plane crash as a fortuitous act of God should — it wasn’t something he expected to happen.

Yeah, yeah, Pearl Station, Eyepatch Guy, Paulo using the toilet, etc., etc. Thanks to the writers for actually throwing in a few lines to clarify that Paulo and Nikki aren’t part of the “inner circle” that Arzt previously complained about, and throwing them that bone via Locke’s new leadership ethic of inclusiveness. It’s a far better way to introduce the characters than that whiny start Nikki got earlier. Why do I get the feeling that Paulo and Nikki are there as amalgamations of Shannon, Boone, and Ana Lucia, though?

More from Penny Arcade, TV Squad, Easy Does It U, The Tail Section, MostlyMuppet, Nik at Nite, and Moxie.

LOST 3.04: Oh My Darling Clementine

Note: This entry is about the third season LOST episode “Every Man for Himself,” in which Sawyer learns in a flashback that he may have a daughter named Clementine. (Or, possibly, Cassidy was trying to con him using the ruse of a fake child.) Those of you searching for the American folk ballad Oh My Darling Clementine, please look here.

Paulo and Nikki

Remember the Poochie episode of The Simpsons, where alongside the “Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie” story arc, “Roy” suddenly appeared with the family, completely out of nowhere, and was treated as though he had always been around? It was, of course, a gag referencing shows which pull “Cousin Oliver” maneuvers on their audiences, and I got the same feeling from the introduction of Paulo and Nikki. You have Nikki yelling familiarly at Hurley, “When were you planning on telling us this?”, amd Desmond talking golf with Paulo, what’s essentially a day or two after the 2nd season finale. How hard would it have been to have an expository fifteen second “who are you” scene similar to what Ethan or Dr. Arzt got? Maybe Charlie going “Who are those?” to Hurley, and Hurley going, “Oh, that’s Pau and Nikki. They were on the manifest. Cute, isn’t she?” Or something like that.

On Sawyer and Kate

I do believe this is the first episode that I’ve heard Sawyer call Kate by her name rather than “Freckles.” Also, after Kate’s whole second season “I’m sorry I kissed you” heart to heart with Jack, I guess she’s made her decision. Remember how the tension between Jack and Sawyer was a reflection of her own inner conflict over her “good” and “bad” fathers in What Kate Did? I guess she’s coming to terms with being Bad Dad’s daughter.

Psychic Intercom

Juliet says the intercom doesn’t work, but Jack keeps hearing things from it. Wires crossed with Ben’s surveillance system, or is it some DHARMA-induced psychic ability emerging on Jack’s part, manifesting to him via his perception of his surroundings? (That is, he thinks the sound is coming from the intercom, but it’s actually how his disoriented mind interprets its own latent telephathy.) Might be related to his visions of his dead father, and the way the Island has “talked” to Kate and Locke about their tortured pasts via the unconscious Sawyer and Eko respectively.

Another Island

The “pacemaker” con was a brilliant little twist in Sawyer’s character development, bunny and all. But there’s that big question about the “other island” that Ben showed him: how did the Losties miss seeing it? The prevailing theory I favor is that if the island is contained in a closed cosmic loop (what Desmond called the “snow globe”) all one need do is walk far enough to go in a circle — or see the other side of the island.


“Because we’re not killers,” says Ben. The necks of Charlie and Nathan would beg to differ.

Air and Space Museum Demotes Pluto: Update

More museum news for the Demote Pluto front: in addition to the removal of Pluto from the list of planet symbols, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Exploring the Planets exhibit has updated some of its solar system displays to clarify Pluto’s new status as a “Dwarf Planet,” and added an “In Memoriam” poster to explain the classification change.

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Many thanks to the NASM for being frank and sensible about the progress of our understanding of the solar system while also graciously giving acknowledgment to Pluto’s historical status in the course of human astronomical study, and special kudos to the exhibit copywriters for avoiding BTQ abuse.

Note on Family Nomenclature

According to the Relatives Chart, the standard English label for a first cousin’s child would be “first cousin, once removed.” Filipinos, however, use the term “pamangkin” — preferably translated to English as “nephew” or “niece” — to clarify the generational removal, distinguishing cousins (“pinsan”) from their children, as well as from more distant relatives further up the tree who would also qualify as removed cousins in the standard nomenclature.

Hence, whenever I use the words “nephew” or “niece,” it’s just as likely to refer to any of my many cousins’ children as to my brother’s boy. As a corollary, when I refer to an “uncle” or “aunt” (or the Tagalog “tito” or “tita”), I may mean a relative of greater than first degree who is above me or my parents on the family tree.

An Open Letter to Pingdom.com on the Topic of Referrer Spam

Update, 11/16/2006: Pingdom responds.

Please note also that JDCDesigns is innocent: jdcdesigns.com.

Hello! Lately I’ve been noticing hits in my referrer logs from pages on pingdom.com which seem to be linking to my site, but when clicked through, do not actually exist. The false hits are coming from, which is a server on EV1 used by jdcdesigns.com. User agent is “Pingdom GIGRIB v1.1 (http://www.pingdom.com)”. It seems the idea is to provide a pointer to an uptime monitoring page, but the link to the supposed page just 404s and redirects to the index page, which strikes me as being either buggy or deceptive. May I know why I would be getting what appears to be referrer log spam for pingdom.com from jdcdesigns.com?

Update: EV1 forum entry by JDC Designs regarding DNS problems caused by a spammer formerly at that IP. It looks like JDC may be suffering the misfortune of a bad server history, or some unpatched vulnerability.

Update: Response from Pingdom:

Our development team is doing some research which involves scanning off large parts of the Internet. It is not something specific for your site. A visit from us will not show up more than a maximum of 3-5 times per month, and will not take any more resources than a regular website visitor would (less, actually). We hope this is not a bother.

The hits are continuing, and it seems a lot more often than 3-5 times per month. Pingdom and JDCDesigns both appear to be legitimate services, but I wish that Pingdom would execute site crawls with a blank referrer, or else with a referrer pointing to a working page with an actual link to the site, so as to avoid the appearance of deceptive marketing practices. As it is, I consider this referrer spam.

Grits: Redux

Grits I asked the question over four years ago. Since then, I’ve had a few bites, but now I’m going to take the Full Corn Plunge.

That’s right, America! I’ve bought a can of grits! So how do I eat this? Is there some sort of ceremony or something? You don’t slice bananas and strawberries into it, do you? Somehow I don’t think that would work, considering that one of the flavors of Instant Grits in packets on the shelf beside this can was “bacon.”

Update: Terry at Possumblog sees this entry via a comment, and very graciously offers us More Help for the Wayward, which includes words of wisdom which apply not only to grits, but many other things in life as well: “Don’t put sugar on them or I’ll hit you.”

African Violet Wiggle

You’d think that with the unseasonable cold we’re having lately, my plants would hang back a bit on the flowering, but not this hardy African violet. For the third time this year, it’s put out buds and is blooming yet again. Enjoy the 3D wiggle effect:

Lost 3.01-3.03: Benjamin Linus, Fishbiscuits, and Polar Bears, Oh My!

So are you all enjoying the new LOST season so far? All pausing your video recorders and poring over screenshots of easter eggs and Googling left and right for clues? Me, I’m especially liking how LOST is able to maintain an aura of the unknown. I had feared that the increasing sci-fi-ness of the plot, plus the big DHARMA reveals in “The Lost Experience,” were beginning to detract from the overall narrative mystery, but as the “Book Club” scene showed, LOST can still pack a surprise or two.

I’m very much behind on recaps and analyses, so I’ll just note a few quick bullet points, and leave the rest to the Pompatus.

* Well, now that we know that Fake Henry Gale’s real name is Benjamin Linus, what’ll the fans call him now? Henry, Fenry, Benry … I guess now he’s BLENRY.

* Kate seems a lot less conflicted about kissing Sawyer than Jack, eh?

* It’s kind of implied that a lot more went on at Kate’s breakfast with Ben than was shown on screen, since she came back crying and all. What happened?

* Fishbiscuit gag = brilliant. The writers know that Sawyer makes great comic relief when he’s flustered (e.g. the boar episode, or Hurley jumping on him) and him dancing to polar bear reward music only to receive fish biscuits and animal feed played that humor advantage to the hilt.

* Well, they certainly establish what happened to the Hatch: imploded to foil. No more showers or Island Network Chat and Numbers games for you.

* The character of Locke suffers a constant tension between the Crippled and Coercible Codependent and the Survivalist Mystic Island Shaman. The Hatch brought out the former, but now that it’s imploded, Locke is back to his knives and spirit quests.

* Desmond appears uninjured from the Hatch Failsafe release, but naked. A reference to Adam in the Garden, perhaps? Who’s Eve, then? Kate? Rousseau? Kelvin?

* That polar bear sure looked fake. Real world explanation is that the 3D animators probably had a hard time making realistic bears, but I’m sure there’s some DHARMA-based excuse. Maybe fishbiscuits cause bear ugliness.

* Locke’s being mute until his prophetic sweat lodge vision was a clear allusion to Zechariah the prophet, who was mute until the naming of his son John the Baptist, who would prepare the way for Christ.

* I’m not entirely convinced that Desmond is really there. As of LOST 3.03, the only people who have been depicted as directly seeing him are Locke (who talks to islands in sweat lodges), and Hurley (who had an imaginary friend). Note how in 3.03 there is no solid acknowledgment from anyone else but Hurley of his presence. (Update: Okay, never mind, he talkes to Claire and Charlie and Paulo too.)

* Speaking of Christ, Desmond, and Hurley, they’re certainly going to great lengths to make Desmond look like someone, added on to his newfound power of omniscience and precognition. Someone profoundly famous through history, someone who was a great prophet and a teacher to many. You know who I mean:
Desmond and The Dude from Big Lebowski
That’s right, Desmond is The Dude! I mean come on, think about it: what does Hurley call him???

More from DCeiver:

The Pompatus of Lost: 3.01–Jack In A Box

The Pompatus of Lost: 3.02–The Glass Mendacity

The Pompatus of Lost: 3.03–Panic! At The Sweatlodge

Also more from Faded Boxers: 3.01, 3.02, 3.03.