
Take a dark room, a low ISO, and a cat who just won’t stop moving, and you get these photos of Pandora’s head doing what looks like the Picard Maneuver:

Blurry Cat 2 Blurry Cat 3

Blurry Cat 1

And if you haven’t seen it yet, you may enjoy Pandora’s take on the serious cat macro:

Pandora Are Serious Cat



Great Land Crab, Cardisoma guanhumi. Despite being called a land crab, it must return to water. In the Invertebrates Exhibit now.

(Crab.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)



Looming nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds in the northeast. Weather alert calls for 2 inch hail. Will I make it home in time?

Update: Yes! A wave of rain had passed when I got to Union Station, and it was still drizzling, but my lovely wife had just arrived from her work mere minutes before, and met me with an umbrella. She’s an awesome wife.


im in ur launch pad Well, after three months of patching up fuel tank hail damage, NASA finally managed to launch Atlantis for STS-117, to snap a new S3/S4 solar array truss on to the International Space Station. One small hitch post-launch: an insulation blanket pulled up by air pressure at launch has exposed a small part of the port OMS pod, raising the risk of heat damage on reentry. Shuttle crew may have to check for damage and undertake repairs.

Right now the truss has been moved from the shuttle cargo bay and bolted to the ISS structure, and astronauts Jim Reilly and Danny Olivas are doing all sorts of cool space things to get the truss working.

More links:


After a week and a day of marriage, things are still kind of crazy with fixing up the apartment, we still haven’t gone on a honeymoon, and I haven’t found time to write about the wedding day in any kind of detail. We won’t have any photos from the official photographer for a couple more weeks, but photos from guests are starting to come in: here are some from Amy’s Uncle Wesley and from Jacquelyn. I’ve also turned our wedding site into a minimal memoir of the day, which I will update with links to photos as they come in.

More details after the jump.

Continue reading Wed