Real-Life Lilandra

Amy pointed out this lovely Myspace weblog entry from a lady who subs at the Arlington Library, and who, in her youth, dated the late X-Men artist Dave Cockrum. Last month she brought a Cockrum cover to Antiques Roadshow:

I am finally bringing my cover to X-Men #99. My one wild oat was that I dated Dave Cockrum, X-Men artist, in 1976. (My little bit of immortality was that he added the surname of Neramani to the character Lilandra, an empress. “Neramani” is an anagram for “Marianne.”) Anyway, after waiting a long time, we finally got to the collectibles table at 4pm. The appraiser there said the comic page appraiser had left early, but that I had to know that my cover was worth in the 10s of thousands of dollars. Yikes! He ballparked it at $25,000. I recently spoke to the other appraiser, and he ballparked it between $50,000 to $75,000! All this for a piece of bristol, pencil and ink! I recall that Dave used to get $800 for an X-Men book.

So not only did she date Dave Cockrum around the time he was working on The Phoenix Saga, was the Shi’ar Empress‘ anagrammatic namesake, AND held an X-Men #99 cover worth thousands — but my wife also knows her from work! How cool is that?

(You realize of course that this also means that I’m now just four degrees of separation from Stan Lee. And Rob Liefeld. And Magneto.)

Baptist Linkage

I’ve had Baptistdom on the brain lately, probably owing to the recent CBF 2007 General Assembly here in DC a couple of weekends ago, which gave rise to the Associated Press religion article just mentioned on GetReligion, about “The Other Baptists,” so to speak.

I didn’t attend the conference, didn’t really follow it, but I did notice that the good Rev. Butler had a couple of posts leading up to the conference with some details on the illustrious history of her church, Calvary Baptist: Part 1, Part 2. More notes on the history and architecture of Calvary, with old photos and drawings, from Also related: The history of the DCBC.

On a somewhat related theological note, Internet Monk has an ongoing series on “The Baptist Way,” starting here. I’m also wrapping my head around Tim Etherington’s posts on Reformed Baptistic Hermeneutics, Part I and Part II.

And that’s it. Sorry, I just haven’t been able to synthesize much in the way of original theological thought lately.

Follow-up on the conference from Rev. Butler: Being Baptist.



Tunnel walls at Metro Center. On my way home at rush hour. Missed a train due to crowding at doors, center of car was loose and empty.

(Metro.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)



“Titanic – Built in Belfast.” I’m not sure this is a glowing recommendation for Belfast industry.

(Titanic.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)



Random crazy guy wandering up Penn Ave to Georgetown, talking and loudly whooping to himself and occasionally gesticulating with his free hand. The scary part is that he followed me into CVS. Just lost him.

(mo_129_.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)

Fourth of July 2007

For the Fourth of July, Amy and I wandered around Theodore Roosevelt Island, where we spotted a turtle in the marsh and an extremely large black rat snake climbing a tree. We then sat down for mushroom cheese burgers and root beer at Mr. Smith’s while the rain pounded down outside. After making sure the weather would cooperate, we watched fireworks over the National Mall, then walked home.

Here is a video of the grand fireworks finale for you:

All in all, a very nice Independence Day.



Why no bare feet? If glass bottles aren’t allowed then bare feet are safe from shards, right? Or are bare feet bad for Metro?

(FeetSign.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)