After some soul searching, I have come to the conclusion that I will never engage in the following activities on Twitter, and repent of all times in the past that I may have purposefully or inadvertently done any of them:
- Mass-follow thousands of people hoping they will follow back and click links.
- Use an RSS-to-Twitter app to flood the stream with links to weblog entries. (If I want people to visit my blog, they can subscribe to my feed.)
- Insta-link to threads I want you to Digg/Mixx/Prop/Buzz/Reddit/Thumb/Arrow/Fave up.
- Stream my iTunes playlist.
- Use Twitter as a frontend to my Flickr photo stream.
- Draft whole blog entries in multiple consecutive 140 character bursts.
- Beg for money.
- Retweet other people’s tweets.
I might occasionally post a Twitter link to something particularly notable on my site, but I feel shouldn’t cross-pollinate my content or hammer the stream with multiple automated posts from third-party services. Those of you who do engage in some of these practices on Twitter in moderation, please do not regard this as a negative judgment on your activity. This is just an informal code of Twitter conduct to which I will hold myself in order to better serve the ends of my online presence.