The Busy Month of May Continues

I’m now halfway through the Busy Month of May, and the schedule is still filling up. Today is Jury Duty Monday, most of which I will spend sitting in a jurors’ waiting room in the Moultrie Courthouse Building, hoping that (1) I don’t get picked, (2) we all get let out early, and (3) I can find some decent wi-fi somewhere in the waiting area.

Today my younger brother Jungie comes back to DC after a jaunt up to New York to see friends. He leaves for Chicago tomorrow morning to visit my older brother. Tomorrow night is Wright Night, and then Wednesday night is the start of a special bible study series at church called “What Baptists Believe and Why: Being Baptist in the 21st Century,” an overview of Baptist beliefs and history.

The next two consecutive weekends will be spent in New York, this weekend for Amy’s graduation (she gets her MFA woo yeah), and Memorial Day weekend to meet up with aforementioned older brother, who’s visiting New York to see friends. (Yeah, it’s getting confusing, isn’t it?)

I’ve also got three clients, a heap of potentially profitable personal project ideas, and my day job. So yeah, this month is filled up with like ten different kinds of total awesome, and I’ll be riding high on caffeine and life for a lot of it.

Oh, check out Jungie’s Sea World Orlando photos. That was the day before I arrived, so I wasn’t able to go to Sea World. :(

Okay, off to jury duty.