Maybe it was just me, but somehow, April Fool’s 2005 seemed a bit weaker than last year, probably because Metafilter went without a gag. Nonetheless, it was fun to have Beg The Question linked from “the blue” (as we MeFites call it).
Update: And a link from Language Log! I’m truly honored. And yes, the “ignoramii” error, was an intentional mistake, along with any other run-on sentences, dangling participles, and extraneous prepositions that may have occurred in BTQ. In reality life, my grammare, speling, and useage is always inpeccable.
- had several choice spoof goodies, my favorites being the Mirror Universe Twin FAQ, the Team Enterprise marionette season, and the rejected Trek pilots. “Fat Vulcan” might actually be a good idea.
- 660°: social networking for social networks.
- I reloaded and reloaded StopDesign, and was reminded of the glory days of my own randomizing layouts.
- Water on Mars.