iMonk on sex and the single Christian guy. His point about couples “disintegrating to rolling around naked in bed” is well taken: one doesn’t fall into sexual temptation because he is overpowered by it; there’s a clear decision on the offender’s part to take sexual activity to second/third/home base, only to be excused later as a moment of weakness in the heat of passion. That’s why we’re told, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
Next time that temptation comes to indulge in just a little more of those lovely “art” nude photos, just a little more snuggly making-out, just a little more peering through scrambled late night Pay-Per-View, one does well to seize that “way of escape,” a simple act of will to stop. To continue past that point would be active rebellion, after which the Spirit convicts with waves of shame, and that’s never a good place to be in.
(I’m not with iMonk entirely, however, on the idea that “if Jesus had chosen to be a husband and father, it would make absolutely no difference in his incarnation or our salvation in him.” The point of the Bible’s allegory of salvation as marriage is that Christ was and is married: a bridegroom to his bride, the church, in a union to be consummated at the endtimes when he returns to bring his family home. He couldn’t and wouldn’t marry, being already betrothed to us.)