
Just upgraded to MT 3.01d. So far everything seems to have gone seamlessly. The new CSS interface is tight, and none of the new features gets in the way of the old, familiar workflow — except for one minor thing: the lack of a search form in the Manage Weblog screen.

I’m in concurrence with Jason Santa Maria on this: despite 6A’s increasingly corporate trappings, MT is still an excellent publishing tool, and I’m quite happy with the free version — at least for now.

(“Blogging grows up?” Didn’t they say that when Google bought Blogger? Isn’t it about time to acknowledge that weblogs have grown up, or are at least almost done getting past the clumsy adolescent stage; or are we going to see these trite “Blogging Comes of Age” headlines everytime something big happens to a weblog company?)


  1. Sparticus says:

    It might be better if they told us what age it became. So we could have ‘Blogging starts elementary’ and ‘Blogging starts high school’. I’m guessing with the Sixapart news it could be ‘Blogging starts looking for a way of getting rid of all that university debt by finding itself a real job’.