I have just finished a full day doing some seriously heavy tweaking to Lucid Calendar. My modification, needed for the front page of the new SmokeFree.org portal (no, that’s not it yet), will display events on their own per-day page rather than in the calendar directly, and can be included as a tiny little table in a small righthand menu bar.
The hardest part was getting it to print a link to the new per-day page, using a query string that would read the correct date from the calendar by taking a standard table-cell counter-variable minus the number of days from the start of the first week to the first day of the month. I forgot to add a “+1” to compensate for the fact that Sunday is a zero in the date function. Yes, I’m aware that I’m babbling. But it’s all fine now.
At this point, I feel like throwing things to the ground and yelling “WHO’S DA MAN?!?!” at the computer in testosterone-loaded jubilation, just like Will Smith in Independence Day after his F-16 crashed. But lacking the daring to do so, I will just sit here in quiet triumph and mumble “Who’s da man…” to myself in a way that will not cause the other people in the room to stare at me.