WWDN Bloggies

Wil Wheaton sweeps the Bloggies! Go Ensign Crusher!

Unfortunately, Lia didn’t win the award for Best Asian Weblogger. Aw. :o(


  1. Richard says:

    I don’t read Wil’s site, but, um, weren’t Star Trek fans really annoyed with Ensign Crusher? Whatever: I really like TNG much better than the original Star Trek (except for the fact that Captain Kirk got to make out with alien babes).

    Anyway, congrats to Wil, and….what, Paulo, you didn’t win any? There should have been a “Most Designs” category!

  2. Raffy says:

    You should’ve gotten nominated…then again, you ARE one of my best friends and I could be biased.

  3. Raffy says:

    Nah, you should’ve gotten nominated.

  4. Paulo says:

    Naw. I don’t think I could hold my own against big names like LYD and Cheesedip and JustAGwaiLo. ;D

    As for Wil Wheaton, he’s really come into his own as a weblogger. Check it out; he knows how to put Wesley Crusher behind him and shine on his own.