Having just finished sipping a tall iced cinnamon mocha with an extra shot of espresso, I am now floating in a pleasantly caffeinated haze of workaholic activity.
Whew! Another Flash site done, this one for my company web page. Wanna check it out? (I was inspired by the simply unmatchable GUI design of Neostream.)
Are you a web designer? Go to A List Apart and learn the nitty-gritty tricks of the trade. Two words for you: Web Standards.
Hey, if you’re a Manila-dweller, and you want to listen to some good classical music spiced with intriguing bits of esoteric knowledge and trivia, listen to “The Good Measure,” on FM 98.7 dzFE from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon. The show is produced and hosted every morning by my own sweety-luv, *******. She’s a talented musician and broadcaster, and she puts a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into her program every single morning. Make a devoted, hardworking lady really happy and listen in! You’ll even learn a bit about classical music from her.