Update: This was an old joke and the domain is no longer active.
The debate over Pluto rages: What is a planet? It is a question that calls us to take sides: the rationalists who insist that it can no longer be considered a planet, and the sentimentalists who will hear none of this aspersion against O Great Pluto. I have chosen my side in this debate, and I now solidify my stand with the establishment of a new website:
Demote Pluto!
Join me, my friends. We cannot let Pluto, a common speck of rock and ice, be raised to the echelons of the majestic gas giants or the diverse terrestrial planets. Nor can we allow bureaucratic wrangling to needlessly complicate the classification of what is clearly a simple planetoid among many in the outer solar system. Maybe once we thought of Pluto as a planet with an eccentric orbit, but today history and progress must march forward hand in hand, and they march towards this goal: the Demotion of Pluto! Remember: If too remote, you must demote!
The alternative, my friends, is war.
Update: I’ve updated Demote Pluto significantly. There is now an FAQ and a feedback page for comments.
Update, 24 Aug 2006:
Results of the IAU Resolution votes.
Pluto’s Demotion is Well Deserved and Long Overdue