Companion Kittens at One

As of October 1st, our kittens Martha and Amelia are one year old, and are now officially cats. Big cats! Compare the two of them between March and September:

Martha and Amelia Kittens Kittens in bed

And on October 1st:

Amelia and Martha, 1 year old

To celebrate the occasion I have taken every Vine video I’ve recorded of them since their adoption in January, and combined all these six-second clips into a grand chronicle of the Companion Kittens’ First Year. Enjoy.

If you don’t have that much time to watch kittens in six second bursts, here are my personal favorites:

Happy birthday, Martha and Amelia. Now you’re cats, but you’ll always be our Companion Kittens.

Kittens by the window on a snowy morning Kittens by the window
Martha and Amelia on sunny windowsill

(As such, I will continue to tag them as “companion kittens” on Flickr.)