Two Spring Weekends

Last weekend was graced by a visit from Amy. We checked out exhibits of Frans Van Mieris, Grant Wood, and Hokusai. Not too often do we get to see two famous historic visiting works in a weekend, but we did: American Gothic and The Great Wave. We also rambled around the Tidal Basin to see the last of the cherry blossoms.

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(Palm Sunday also included the slightly momentous event of my coming forward and declaring full membership with my church. It turns out I’d been under watchcare fellowship all this time and forgotten about it, so when some old time members reminded me, I said I’d do it on Palm Sunday, the fourth year to the day since I first came to First Baptist.)

Today, after Easter worship (and a sermon from our pastor about Gnostics, heresies, Incarnation, and Resurrection), I strolled by the National Geographic Museum to gawk at the papyrus fragments from the Codex Tchacos, most recently famous for containing the apocryphal Gospel of Judas. After a lunch at home of spinach-and-tuna salad — and a nap with Pandora curled up beside me — I set out to get some exercise, geek out a bit at NASM, and get some photos of flowers, squirrels, tourists, and the Capitol.

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More photos here.