What with the frequent hardware failures, the loss of my entire database, the lack of full daily backup, the poor support, and the stealthy changes to the user agreement, there’s a lot I could say right now about my former web host, Affordablehost; but really, other irate ex-customers are already saying it:
- Post-Acquisition has made Affordablehost.com worthless
- More Affordablehost Problems
- Say No to Affordablehost
I’m finally moving everything over to Site5; something I should have done a long time ago, but which I can no longer afford to procrastinate on. Unfortunately, all my weblog backup data is in DC, and I will not be home for a few more days. For now, check out my photos, and watch out for a travel log and a new site in weeks to come.
Update: My digital “art” site, WWTQ, is now a Whyblog.org subdomain. Fitting, since that domain was purchased specifically for a digital art project back in my MICA days.
Update: 14 hour layover in Hong Kong, 16 hour flight to New York, stop in New Jersey, take absolute last Independence Air flight ever from Newark to Dulles, get home, and find that the iBook power adapter is missing. Give me a few more days.
Update: MT 3.2 installed, backups restored, but I’ve been wanting to rebuild all this from the ground up, and now’s my chance for it. More to come.