There’s a subtle pollution creeping up on our media, our literature, and our speech; a horrific piece of abuse which threatens the very fabric of our way of thinking. It’s BTQ abuse, and it’s time to take action to end it, before it destroys our language. March on April 1st to End BTQ Abuse Now!

(Also see last year’s March for Web Standards.)

Update: April Fool! Those of you who left stern, earnest comments chastising me for my petty concern with BTQ issues — especially you fun and wacky descriptivists — thanks for the laughs. In all seriousness, I’ve learned not to be a complete fundie about the whole thing, which raises the question: should we change our encyclopedia entries?

See more at the April Fools List.


  1. Tom Jackson says:

    But if everyone uses correct grammar, think of all the useful shibboleths we’ll lose.

  2. Bryan says:

    so I get that one way to use beg the question is “right” (your way) and one way is wrong (most everyone else’s way) but I would disagree that anyone using beg the question wrongly looks foolish. I think its the grammer nazi’s that tend to look foolish in these arguments. especially about wording so widely “misused” as “begs the question.”

    Go ahead and look down on me if I use it wrong, which I probably will. I’ll be looking down on you for caring.