Egocentric Hyperreactionism

Anonymous Nietzschean Commenter says: In any case, at the end of the day, I really cannot fathom how anyone can live with such cartoonish drivel: some criminal rabbi died 2000 years ago and you think he did it for you – a little bug momentarily alive on a rock in space – so that you won’t die like everything else that has ever lived? And you believe this at the expense of hating everything we are while actually here? *That’s* “egocentric hyperreactionism,” don’t you think?

Ad hominem arguments (e.g. “cartoonish drivel”) aside, there is a significant difference between Christianity and the nominal mythology which the commenter mistakenly associates Christian thought with; Christianity has the benefit of witnesses. That is, people who recorded what Jesus told them, on documents whose contents have survived practically unscathed to this day.

Secular liberalism would have you believe that Jesus was just a fictional construct — the character of a play, the creation of a control-obsessed “church,” or a rehash of older Greek legends; but any reputable archaeologist will tell you that there is far more than enough documentary evidence to confirm the existence of Jesus, even if you have no belief in his miracles or his Deity.

And what does the documentary evidence hold? It tells us that Jesus made outrageous claims to Deity, that he promised eternal life to his followers who put their faith in him, that he was indeed killed by Roman capital punishment … and that shortly after the body disappeared three days later, his followers saw him alive.

I strongly believe in this. The faith to which I hold, strange though it may be in the eyes of the world, has been the channel for miraculous changes in my life and the lives of others. I fail to see where Nietzschean Commenter comes from by labelling the Christian ethic as one of “hate and terror,” when it is precisely those negative qualities of mind which Christianity has inspired me to leave behind. Of course, revulsion to — and vilification of — Christianity is to be expected from an adherent to Nietzsche’s signature hatred for the “weakness” of Christian love… but from what fundamentality of thought is the perception of “weakness” based on, and to what end?

Key word: “evolutionary.” ;)


  1. chase says:

    My now retired philosophy and theology teacher ,Dr. Richards, wrote an ‘expose’ if you will about how Nietzche’s ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ was a complicated parody of the life of Christ. I really need to obtain a copy of this and post about it soon.