Looking toward the capitol dome from the Botanic Garden jungle catwalk.
(USBGcptl.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
how now brownpau
Looking toward the capitol dome from the Botanic Garden jungle catwalk.
(USBGcptl.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
I dug up the old Oregon Scientific Thincam DS6628 and tried it on Pandora today, and the results are fairly hit-or-miss — mostly miss. This was the only good photo out of 13, and that only after a run through Auto Levels in Photoshop. There’s also this photo of Amy in the kitchen, but everything else I took with the camera this morning was just too dark and fuzzy. The Thincam works a lot better outdoors.
iminur() – My First Python Script
So I’ve been learning Python this week, and coming from a PHP background, it’s been a bit difficult wrapping my head around a language where arrays are called “lists” (or “tuples” when they’re “immutable”), associative arrays are called “dictionaries,” everything is an object, and hierarchies are defined by layers of obsessively controlled white space. That said, after a bit of fooling around in IDLE, I present to you my very first Python script, posted here for your admiration and amusement:
def iminur():
a = raw_input("A Noun: ")
b = raw_input("A Verb: ")
c = raw_input("Another Noun: ")
if (b.endswith('ing') == 0):
b += 'ing'
x = "im in ur %s %s ur %s" % (a, b, c)
print x.upper()
That is all. Note how it checks to see if you entered the verb in the progressive tense and then adds “ing” if you haven’t. I’m in your Python, correcting your verb tenses.
I get a brief mention in Washington Post’s Business section today, under Appointments, drawn off the same press release used by MediaBistro earlier on. I had expected my name would start appearing in news searches as the press release filtered through various clearing houses, but it seems to be mostly off the standard news-aggregation radar, which, I suppose, is for the best.
Tom has alerted me to my latest brush with fame in the news media: my “I HAS A BUDGET” image macro has been cited in Slate’s LOLCATS slideshow. (See image #6 of 9). It was all a very spur-of-the-moment thing after I saw the photo of the president holding the budget booklet, and took about 30 seconds to do in Photoshop once I had appropriate images. Refer to I HAS A BUCKET for more information.
Update: Also being discussed on Metatalk.
Crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge en route back to DC. I like bridges.
(DelMemBr.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)
Upon entering the municipal building to get our marriage license, we are greeted by these signs: Birth, Marriage, Death, and Taxes. Welcome to the offices of the human condition.
(TownHall.jpg uploaded by brownpau.)