Deep Throat

Deep What? What Throat? I hadn’t been born yet when Watergate happened; I grew up in the Philippines, and the only reason I knew about Nixon when I was a kid was from seeing Rich Little’s Nixon-as-Jacob-Marley parody of him in Rich Little’s Christmas Carol. My whole experience of those days has been limited to just: (1) the looming sense of shadowy history whenever I walk by the Watergate Hotel, (2) that short scene in Forrest Gump when he calls in about the people in the office with their flashlights, and now, of course, (3) all the Deep Throat news coverage from W. Mark Felt’s recent revelation that he was the informant.

I guess I’ll need to read up on the Watergate Scandal in Wikipedia and rent a copy of All the President’s Men to keep up with the times. Other people appear to have had the same idea.