
There’s been a lot of hubbub over the new MT3.0 Developers Version, but I am personally not much affected by it, because I, a single user, only run two weblogs on my MT installation. I’m in no hurry to upgrade; “if ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” right? Up till last week I had thought of using one more MT weblog for my mobile section, using Haughey’s pop2blog jury-rig, but for simplicity’s sake, I’ll be going mobile with Blogger’s email-to-post functionality instead.

And so, while the current tidal wave sweeping the weblog software/service world has left me mostly unconcerned, I genuinely feel for you guys who are running multiple weblogs for multiple authors on your servers. This whole tiered pricing thing has got to sting, especially when a server setup which you had been running for free or for a standard $150, could now cost as much as $700. Movable Type is a wonderfully versatile piece of weblog and content management software, and I heartily recommend it, but for those of you who are seriously worried about the new licensing scheme, Blogger‘s recent boost back into relevance has made it an excellent solution; especially now that it offers single-entry archiving and conditional template tags, both of which are important to designing for traffic. There’s also WordPress and Textpattern. All have their advantages, and the fact that we look for things like comments, standards-compliant CSS templating, intuitive rich text management, and hyphenated single-entry archiving, are evidence of how much the medium has matured since its early days.

Update: As it turns out, running multiple weblogs within a single page counts as a single weblog, so my setup, even with the mobile blog, still counts as a single one. I am still unaffected, so I’m sticking with what’s functional. I see no reason to be afraid of MT3.0. But I see no reason to upgrade just yet either. It’s not like I have time.

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