Open Realty Templating

I’m working on a real estate website for a client, using Open Realty for content and listing management — and I’m not liking it too much. (Refer back to my entries on “horrific CMS interfaces.”) It works fine out of the box if you’re okay with the “Trapper Keeper Design for Dummies” gumdrop look, and after removing a few pages of pre-inserted data (mostly introductory copy on Open Realty, in case you didn’t know what it was before you installed it) and a dummy example home listing, specifically the White House.

Said introductory copy claims that templating on O.R. is “easy,” but it took me a while to figure out where one actually goes to change templates (Site Config, second tab is “Templates,” duh, right under my nose), and where the admin main menu says “Templates” it’s actually referring to customization of listing and agent form fields. Then you create a template in the /template directory, based on the default given, dubbed “vertical-menu.” I wanted to see if O.R. had any other templates available, so I went over to the Templates page, where I was greeted with this:


Note the date. It’s been a long wait for some O.R. users, I guess.