
Blumaroo Neopet

Just on a whim, I tried signing up with NeoPets. My pet is a “Blumaroo.” More feedback later.

Update: Neopets is connected to Scientology. I am not touching it ever again.


  1. Raffy says:

    Pau, they are going to spam you incessantly. I know, I have a Neopet too.

  2. tek says:

    actually, when i signed up, i didn’t get my activaction code…ever. so anyways, i guess i’ll never have a full neopets acct, heh.

    i didn’t get the code b/c i didn’t sign up for any newsletters maybe?

    the spam thing: iono…i have been getting spam @ that email for a few weeks, so it’s undecipherable if its neopets or not.

    someone should look @ the checkboxes and see if they say “We will not give your information to any second parties” or whatever it is they write to assure you that you don’t see “BOOBS” in your inbox every 10 minutes…

    :0) but yeh, that’s all i wanted to say!