CGIComments and DotComments

I’m ba-ack! Miss me?

It’s been rather busy behind the scenes, as I snatch minutes away from work and play to tweak code and add stuff to the site. I’ve just finished a day-long struggle with two different comments scripts: CGIComments and DotComments. My original intention was to use CGIComments for my blog, but it showed a few unsavory kinks which slowed page loading. Finally I opted to give up on CGI and go for the PHP-based DotComments, which I found much easier to handle, and which many of my other blog-friends are already using. It is not without its own share of problems, however, but I got them fixed with a bit of experimentation. So, as you can see, my blog now has comments! Be sure to say Hi to the Sanrio duck.

A lot of code has been cleaned up, with CSS streamlined on older layouts and DOCTYPE declarations added to all pages. Gone is the CGI script which I was using to archive my blog; I opted for a simpler frame-based interface which views old blog entries as unformatted HTML: simpler, faster, more reliable. (I still haven’t gotten down, however, to adding an “ahem” with some protection code for non-compliant browsers.)

New improved links page, and the guestbook has been tweaked and refreshed. As for my portfolio, it’s blank for now, while I design a new one in Flash. Give me a month or two for that, while I consolidate all the pertinent graphic design work.

(Sorry if I’m a bit incoherent in my writing. It’s 3 in the morning, and I haven’t slept.)

Well, it’s good to be back on-line. And just in time, too. It looks like the war has begun.